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Canaan RailRoad Days

Feel What You Want, Use What You've Got, "With Love from Above Lovevolution" By Catherine Palmer Paton...Recently Inspired by Poetry is Music Event in N Canaan CT

on Sun, 07/28/2019 - 13:01

Country haven a bit of heaven

Kids spinning their way toward the stars

Round and round the lamp post like

Three living hands of a clock

People turning into Things Over Time

Under a spell on the stage of life

Dreaming, Waking, Sharing, Taking

Turns with Words, Deeds, Dreams

Figuring out Things Alone and Together

Fireworks Exploding into mini supernovas

Belly dancer shimmying

Bent over backwards

Rainbows igniting 

Billowy Storm Clouds Appearing

Three letters, minutes or people added

People challenging whitewater

Then suddenly Disappearing and 

Some reappearing, but not all 

Housatonic River and Railroad Days 2018 and Onward (with Respect for All That's Come Before)

on Sat, 07/28/2018 - 00:16
With all the modern needs to work and ways to enjoy life, it may be easy to overlook  the "MA/NY" ways the Housatonic River "ConnecTs" states such as MA, NY and CT (especially now when many people have second homes in the rural parts in those three states). 
The impact of the Housatonic River on local communities and the historical roots of US-All (in America and beyond) have touched generations since the settling of our country.
 By now, thanks to the writing and outreach of Ed Kirby, most people likely have gained a better understanding of the historical significance of the location

Keep Going and Keep Growing Community from the Small to US-All

on Wed, 07/25/2018 - 17:09
It's special when people can find time and a way to 'get together'. The Cornwall School had a 'Gathering Room' (maybe the extension of the cafeteria or counting that in too..since it is nice to appreciate the social aspects of eating together not just refueling.)
I've often hoped there would be more ways to have some 'person to person' sharing in terms of making announcements, networking (maybe with a clip board available for people to list events with basic details or causes one is raising money for whether a non-profit, a tag sale, a 'personal request' in case there's room for barters or