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Being Open to New Ideas

Whose Game to Go "Off Topic" in a Comments Section or In a Post? That'd be ME and hopefully You 2 (or U2) even if once in a while...

on Fri, 08/24/2018 - 22:48

I know some little fellas who liked to jump on the bed...But it wasn't allowed for the most part..only "Once In A While." Same for the request for cookies (maybe Before Dinner...) Absotootley Not..usually, #OOIAW (Only Once In A While.) If we're talking about dangerous stuff, say drunk driving or cliff jumping for minors or others who do not have the skill and permission from legal guadians...well, there really shouldn't be a #OOIAW unless not doing so would be worse..say being caught in a fire zone or chased by a bear with no options.