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Congratulations Graduates from HVRHS and Elsewhere."The Future IS Now" Wonder Beings One and All...

on Thu, 06/16/2016 - 14:28

Best wishes to this and every graduating class of Mountaineers from the 75+ year old Housatonic Valley Regional High School or Housy.  I happened to have a nice shirt with that logo on the back as part of remembering Kaelan's passing on 6-16-09 which hopefully all can help educate others about in terms of planning for safe, sensible good times, Scout's honor and cool Kaelan remembrance kind of thing, we good on that legacy point? 

There are many from each community who have struggled or had to bid loved ones an earthly farewell who we can always seek to support and extend a moment of silence (or longer when you have time be it on a walk, doing some relaxation and stretches, repeating a calming word like peace or om--sounds like home with out the ha, but hue is also a healing sound worth a google as is much on my blog like or

Kudos too to students in and graduating from all high schools and colleges are braving a huge future of possibilities and challenges. That goes for all students in schools and home-schooled or otherwise engaged in being the youth and face of the future. In 8th grade, I read a speech called "The Future is Now'. 

Today that's evermore true since we cannot survive should the plan-it earth/heart temperature rise more than 1.5 degrees Celsius. These are terms and realities we all need to learn about and youth have more lifetime to figure things out and do something politically and practically for a fighting chance...

Not to rain on the the celebrations for all, but this is a walk down memory lane which could help keep folks inspired to live fully, safely and smartly with sustainability in mind whichever work or relationships they pursue.And there are more such ideas on my livfully blog where ideas and sharings are also welcome in any comment section.

I felt the burden of high oil prices during the 1970s since my Dad decided to build a large furnace that could burn huge logs and heat water which then was circulated through the baseboard radiators. Unfortunately, sometimes the fire would get too hot and thankfully I woke him up once when 'things sounded scary'.

He said I helped prevent a major disaster. Too much of a good thing like too much heat or a fire not tended to properly can spell trouble. Thankfully within moments, Dad Dale Palmer Sr (maternal grandpa of Kaelan Palmer Paton who got to enjoy many family get togethers there with cousins by the dozens) was able to safely open the outdoor furnace and keep the lovely brick home that he had pieced together (with recycled old brick not unlike that little pig character who built his house out of bricks to keep the big bad wolf and costly bills away). 

Such is the land of the little villages where freedom (and no zoning) allowed for such ventures. Zoning is necessary however to keep business and other types of development such as drilling through a mountain in Sheffield MA from happening. That's where Land Trusts have emerged to preserve more of the future for US-All. 

A balance of needs for regular people to be able to live would be helpful to map out how townspeople can afford and want to stay in their local area. Ideally more networking in the tri-corner MA/NY CT area would promote a nice mix of options for younger people and on up through the decades. That's what some of the outreaches I have done aim to do

. The Acorns to Oaks Team Outreach (A-2020) for states and regions and the Acorns to Oaks Friends United Network(A-20 FUN) for people and partnerships to emerge by getting all people and programs to be more aware of what each does and collaborate could facilitate more opportunities for all to feel valued and included. These are no one's job to do for pay or even on a volunteer basis. 

But these are critical aspects to pursue to help prevent problems on a small scale and larger ones as well. Ideas on can help everyone and have some more affordable ways to earn credits for life and work experience.

Always check for accreditation yet pursue learning whether WOOFing (Working on Organic Farms, or going to the dynamic Amherst MA, NOFA conference or seeing more online) whatever age and stage of life one's in. Spiritual ideas can build mutual respect as well so that religious groups are not spurring more hate or hurt alongside political or economic warmakers.

There's room on the dance floor of the planet to 'live and let live' if people agree to terms of respect and boundaries along with clear terms relationships (which can have legal and economic obligations going into and exiting, so try to understand what that means too.) Okay, that's my kudos and few words of wisdom for this time of transition and progress, Brave Wonder Beings!

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