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Do You Ever Wish Your Sweet BeYOUtoFull Self a Harmonious Happy Birthday?! Try It, It's Fun (and good for your memory and sense of joie de vivre inside and out) from 2/1963-05-14 (which makes this growing younger soul 53)

on Sat, 05/14/2016 - 15:39

 When I started this blog it was birthday time for me...and do it is again, May 14th, 2016 (or with my new system of coding 2(for female)-1963-05-14 and in terms of a Birth mother of one male and three females, my code is 1-(for category of males whichis listed first)1(number of sons)then a comma and,2-(for category of females which is listed second) 3(for number of daughters). That can be listed with my gender as follows 2/1-1,2-3, If I wanted to include my birthyear (and month and day all in that order) with number of children I bore, that would be 2/1963-05-14/1-1,2-3.

As many know with our only son, Kaelan Palmer Paton, passing when he was 16, I've had plenty of times of sharing that while I had given birth to four children, one passed on. I made a code for that too, since sometimes it's not the easiest to say out loud (or even write). 

It's helpful to have ways to process information even in a family (where we have quite a few on the other side of the veil as my Dad and some faiths and people refer to the realm or time beyond this here and now on earth.) So the code  for gone to the other side or left this mortal realm is 10. That would be followed up as one would opt with gender if that is helpful that the soul/ person had while mortal or incarnated. For our son that would mean 10-1-1 for (male category and one male). If a father Joe had two sons who died, that could be listed as his gender 1 (for male) then /10-1-2. If he also had a daughter who had passed, that would be 1/10-1-2,2-1.

The other option is to put after one's birthdate so for that man Joe who had 2 other living sons (4 born to him) and 2  other living daughters (3 born to him), that would be 1/1940-10-25/ 1-4,2-3/10-1-2,2-1. Another entry can be made with ways to expand any part of the 'numerical listing' such as explored in the Count to Ten in a New Way post, a work in progress that's just hatching out organically at this time though it's been brewing over many decades.

Yes, there are many and just sharing now as I am thinking this out then I will get back to my birthday celebrations, which I pretty much extend throughout the year with enjoying each season and giving myself permission to enjoy mini-celebrations of fun in the sun, a walk in the park--which when in the city is a Double Breath of Fresh Air and Blessing. Meeting people to say hello and have friendly conversations is rather amazing to have as a new passtime in the city also since I tend to be in nice neighborhoods and have good luck finding the friends I just hadn't met yet (a wink at a friendly fellow in the '10' categroy whose earthly birthday would have been later in May).

Heavenly Happy Birthdays are sometimes met with sorrow rather than fondness since the person is not in the physical realm. Mark Anthony and others say perhaps there are times of spiritual messages or drawing closer to loved ones on the date of one's birthday. Not to overdo any birthday business in terms of the JWs admonition (that birthdays should be downplayed since two in the Bible did not turn out well.. so protection prayed for all of that kind of challenge.

That goes for most times of celebration..maybe 'less is more' in terms of keeping parties to 50 or weddings to 100 more or less rather than over the top. There are many celebrations and living life fully and forging alliances while alive likely would serve US All in meaningful ways rather than gathering for funerals in a more mournful somber way.

Again, maybe monthly community gatherings could serve that kind of need for people to share during times of challenge, with one for men, women, children and perhaps by the decades, with a slide show and short readings (5-10 min) to think on each person who passed (or have break out rooms after a communal time. Again, keeping groups to 100-300 or so would likely make sense rather than filling rooms beyond that. People can relate to quite a few, and themes for the kind of person and ages etc may make sense. Likely creative ways to address these more difficult aspects would open up more ways to assist more people at a time whether in smaller communities or larger ones. Well, on that creative caring note and consideration of loved ones and others in the next realm, a bid you a fine day and journey ahead.. Peace, forgiveness, healing, light and love, friends and family and good alliances be with you... 

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