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Count to 10 in a new way and with the message for US-All--WE MUST HELP! :Women's Experiences with Mothers Uniting to Share Truths, Heal, Examine, Learn, Problem-solve and Progress!

on Thu, 05/12/2016 - 14:44

This idea emerged from long ago as I grew up in a large family and had many relatives on both sides (I have yet to count them up but plan to before long plus I know a Mormon person has charted not only the recent generations but a couple or more prior generations. There are family trees and geneograms and ethnograms to chart things like relationships, changes in status of relationships, even health issues to be aware of familial risks or attributes.

) I studied social psychology at Vassar in the 1980s and it was a given when 'doing a study' to notate male and female subjects (why not just call them people?), ages and other factors that may be important to what was being observed or investigated. I have been part of groups such as faith groups and churches, garden clubs, recreational and nature groups, fairs and events, school parent groups and scouts.

Perhaps I'll think of numbers to indicate those types of connections, but for starters to simplify someone's basic life, I came up with Four Main Categories to Describe someone's biology at birth or after conception (or even before or after physical life or incarnation depending on intuition or discussions.) The Four Catergories are 1 for Males (M), 2 for Females (F), 3 for Pregnant Females (PF), and 4 for Embryos/Fetuses (EF)

I will start with a Chart of Types and Roles of Human Beings on the Planet and Explain (and digress) Below:

#1 Males Category then decimal for the following in order 1 for single(s) 2 for biological father (bf), 3 for adoptive father 3.5 for step father (af), 4 for legal guardian (lg), 5 for biological grandfather (bgf),6 for adoptive grandparent(ag), 7 for step-father (sf), 8 for signifant guardian (sg), 9 with a dash for Relationship Status 9-1 for married legally (ml), 9-2 for common law with legal standing (cl), 9-3 for civil union (cu), 9-4 for committed relationship (cr),monogamous(mo) or otherwise (om) wanting designation with another status, 9-5 for dating one person (do), 9-6 for other status (on).For those who want to designate the gender of the person they are with, a 1 for male or 2 for female could be added after the first number after the 9-.

For instance a man married to a woman would be 1.9-12. A man married to a man would be 1.9-11  . A Grandfather in a committed relationship with a woman would be 1.9-4.2. A single adoptive father would be 1.3  if he started dating men and women then that would be 1.3-9.612. These are all optional listings.

They offer a kind of short hand for summarizing some key points about one's biology, gender (see more points below), parenting or caregiving status, and relationship status. Many people have an array of levels of association and interaction in relationships. People who live in the same house (sh), who are friends sharing each other's homes or belongings (fs),having some physical involvement (pi), social interaction (si), shared parenting (sp) or shared caregiving (sc), shared responsibilities (sr) and so on can each be clarified as may be helpful for others in one's family (fa) or friends(fr) or faith (ft)or social (sc) or other circles (oc) or the legal public (lp) to be informed about for any reason or study (with or without other names or identifying informations such as street or town address, region, state, country, etc. Hopefully there are already 'programs' to use to correlate with this information as useful to good ends. Then again maybe without too much knowledge less harm is done. Hard to know so worth praying about first. Consider too that some people are psychic and there likely is a divine, so nothing is all that secret.Live as though people may know what your basic life is about and likely you won't get into legal or other troubles. That's a footnote I will move eventually. All of this is original information and should be respected as such, please. 

#2 Females (with all the similar designations for relationship status as for 1s with the following clarifications). Females Category 2, then decimal for the following in the order 1 for single(s), 2 for biological mother (bm), 3 for adoptive mother(ap), 3.5 for adoptive mother (am), 4 for legal guardian (lg), 5 for biological grand (bg), 6 for adoptive grandparent (ag),7 for step-mother (sm),8 for signifant guardian (sg), 9 with a dash for Relationship Status 9-1 for married legally, 9-2 for common law with legal standing, 9-3 for civil union, 9-4 for commited relationship and so on with 

#3 Pregnant Females Category.

#4 Embryos and Fetuses,

#5 People with New Bodies (Infants) through Age 5,

#6 People from 6-18,

#7 People from 19-49,

#8 People from 50-75,

# 9 People from 76-100 plus,

#10 People's Personalities or Spirits Who Have Died or Translated (with Numbers 1 or 2 for Gender if known or intuited  or 1.5 to indicate the predetermined state of such or if not known and to Reference from 4 Embryos through 9 Up to 100+)

#10.5 Spirits of People or People Yet to Incarnate or Be Conceived, Fertilized (with Numbers to Reference  for Gender as in #10 with year conceived or born indicated as may be helpful). If for example a male would be born in 2020, the designation would be 11-1/2020 

#11 Brothers Category, with a decimal for How Many In Total  with dash then Numbers to Reference Genders and Ages and then same for 1st place or put 0 for none in each category- full biological siblings, for 2nd- half-siblings, 3rd-adopted siblings,4th- step-siblings,and 5th- others one feels fits that role. Example: If a person has 3 brothers and no half-brother, one adopted and two step brothers, that would be 11.6-3012

#12 Sisters Category, with a decimal for How Many In Total  then Numbers to Reference Genders and Ages, then same for full biological siblings, half-siblings, adopted siblings, step-siblings, and others one feels fits that role iwth listings for places as in #11) If a person had 2 sisters,1 half sister, 3 adopted sisters and 0 step sisters that would be 12.6-2130  If charting it may be helpful to include the final 0 to use for various studies.

#13 Male First Cousins Category then decimal for total number with a dash then numbers to Reference Genders and Ages, then same for  1st full biological cousins, then  2nd half-cousins, 3rd adopted cousins,4th step-cousins and  5th other cousins and one feels fits that role

#14 Female First Cousins Catergory then decimal for total with dash then numbers to Reference Genders and Ages, then same for biological cousins, then half-cousins, adopted cousins, step-cousins and other cousins and one feels fits that role

There are more details in the post below.

The first four categories likely cover everyone. The numbers 5-9 can help with ages, as in a 30 year old male could be a 1-7-30,  Decimals after one's age could indicate how many offspring one has with biological  (b)with two digits (1 for males and 2 for females for each group) for each category,half siblings, step siblings and other (someone one considers family or close friend they care for with a (cf) designation listed as one is comfortable in numerical sequence and deceased if one is wanting to include that last with a (d) notation   

A Chart likely would help clarify these options and this is rough draft at this point, with me making it up now after thinking on it for a while. A person's Birth Full Year could be listed After one's Age (which could help everyone keep better track and get good at math).

Example A for instance: A 53 year old woman then would be 2-8-53/1963 Another option would be to include the month and year After the birth year, so for our same example of the woman's birthdate of April 1st, 1963 would be 2 (for a woman)- 8-her general age category-53 (her age, optional if hlepful for current assessment or information depending on needs) then 19630401 . If she had two girls and two boys, that would be 2-53/19630701/12-23 (Two Boys and Three Girls, so the  Male Category number of One (1) is listed first and then the actual number of sons are Listed.

After the number of males listed, place a dash and if there are no daughters place "00" to keep the number of spaces or data for a computer spreadsheet etc equal. If there are daughters, then  the Female Category Number of Two (2) is listed with the actual number of daughters listed next. A woman with 3 sons and 5 daughters would be as follows 2-8-53/19630401

If there were 10 Boys (born, step, adopted) and 3 girls (same mix) that would be 2-53/19630401/110-23

.That number of Offspring and Progeny (by 1 birth (listed first),  2 adopted (listed second), 3 step-child  and  4 other (listed 3rd and 4th) can then be clarified with another set of digits such as with Example A, the listing would be with a biological daughter and an adopted daughter  and two step-sons would be . That's likely tricky and may be controversial. This is all optional and may be helpful in doing 'Genograms' to understand genetics and relationships in a family tree. Some configurations can change for families and keeping track of how many children or youth or others one is caring for and finding good resources as well as assessing community services and physical spaces are some of the applications I hope could come from these numeral descriptions.

The idea that WE MUST HELP came to mind when thinking of ways to help each other care about what is going on for groups of people on the planet. In many ways, most problems result from the oppression of women and children as classes as people along with people of color all under the supremacy of white males and patriarchal values and policies. The UNIFEM, Bernard Center, Stop Abuse Campaign and many others are realizing the importance of acknowledging the females and infants and youth on the planet as well as the males. Most males will benefit as well from understanding the legacy they inherited and are part of even today. Using their advantage to help more people live reasonably and sustainably will take a meeting of many minds and fields of knowledge and know-how.

The Black Lives Matter movement highlights this condition yet a greater understanding of 'how we got to this point' even from a time when things were worse, in the days of slavery or before voting rights for women in the 1920s or for Civil Rights in the 1960s. There could be numerical listings as well for various ethnicities or skin pigmentation (colors) although that feels challenging to write. The idea of being more fair may indicate a need to know 'whose being acknowledged and who is not so gaps may be closed. 1 could indicate spirit being with a decimal for the following colors, so a person who died who was Indian could be designated as 1.7, 2 could be for African American, 3 could be for Caucasian or White, 4 could be for Hispanic, 5 could be for Middle Eastern (with dashes to clarify further types which can be added later), 6 could be for Asian, 7 could be for Indian, 8 could be for Indigenous People, 9 for African and more added. That could be included after someon's birth year if they so desired with a decimal point. A Hispanic male who was born in 2000 would be listed as 1162000.4

It's dawning on me that we could take a new approach to understanding our collective situation of 'being in the same boat' yet in significantly different roles. Now women are catching up with some of the opportunities men have had for centuries, really millenia. We have all advanced in profound ways since the invention of the internet and the larger consideration of 'quantum field theory'.

As I heard Julie Renee explain on youtube briefly to Jack Canfiield (The Chicken Soup for the Soul editor, which was an idea by the way I had had for a long time to help people feel more connected and empathetic.

The way that series and others offer ideas, stories and books (which ideally could be followed up with online and other real life programs) for men, women, teens and children as well as various roles and professions is helpful to keep in mind as I start to explore the NECESSITY of understanding our differences so we can better respond and plan for needs (or inputs) and acknowledge outputs of each group of folks as well as the many variations and interactions. We keep thinking we have to go faster and do more when great benefit may come from slowing down and taking stock in what we've got

. Einstein says nothing exists until we acknowledge it in our minds. That's likely a simplistic way of his theory but we could realize the World Is and Our Lives Are mainly the way that Other People Decided or Defaulted that they Should Be, not what they optimistically COULD BE.

In a set of talks by Jennifer McLean (who has had a million folks touched by the programs she offers online) and many advanced thinkers on her online series, she asks as do many, "What IF we are making everything up?" What if we are creating meanings to fit our beliefs and feelings rather than beliieve things are beyond our control or that everything is happening To Us, not with our consent or with our influence (or the playing out of past actions in this life or another one, whether from us directly or the generations and genetics that may be informing our experiences individually and collectively.

These ideas are becoming more mainstream to discuss out loud such as on Humanity's Team, The Hayhouse World Summit and many online programs as well as retreat centers and books offered by presenters at Omega, Kripalu and many faith and spirituality and energy circles of people (and even 'others' be they from another realm or part of the universe.. angels or aliens, loved ones who have crossed over or their echoes of energy (as Mark Anthony I believe said is an option), G-d and so forth. Somehow we get brainwashed early on into thinking very iddy biddy small.

We are convinced in academic circles ttha 'there is nothing more than the brain determining our human experience, thought, beliefs and even 'energy' if that's even acknowledged. I had a kitchen chat with some brilliant neuro-somebodies at a party and they did not even want to Consider the idea that our consciousness could be beyond our bodies or brain's production

. I offered an idea I've heard that we may be more like 'radio antennae' picking up frequencies...and basically they were not interested, a nice set of parents in the  same professional research circle who looked at each other for an assurance they would wrap up this verbal exchange with me and another believer/ inquirer of possibilities type fellow.

We both happened to have sons on the other side which we discovered moments later. We felt maybe That was the more meaningful conversation to have and to validate each other's journeys as parents facing these more difficult experiences with compassion and inquiry. Too often many despair and feel someone is simply gone in our modern world when trying to come to terms with dying, transitioning or translating (as the ECK folks in MN explain in free online talks and little booklets I happened to get in Grand Central.)

Okay, so back to the Kinds of People on This Plan-It Earth or Heart (which by the way may be more alive in more ways than we are ever introduced to in academia and likely feeds our destruction of our Home planet and home Team of folks, animals, plants, waters and minerals and air and divine aspects too.

On this ever shrinking planet of ours (for living space, clean water and good air to breathe) we have over 8 billion people. While we are all pretty much the same on a skeletal level, there are significant differences between women and men and between women and pregnant women also known as mothers.To simplify, lets call  biologically born males 1s, females 2s and pregnant females 3s. Ages could be indicated with a decimal so that a 1 year old male would be 1.1 and a 1 year old female would be 2.1. A word about ages here though is that if we counted the period of growing in a woman's womb as the first year of life, then when we are born we could be called 'one year old' as the Chinese do. Then everyone turns a year older on Chinese New Year, I believe, a bit how we celebrate New Year's in the US with a holiday (and parties the night before often.) The significance of acknowledging an infant as a year old when born rather than being a 'newborn and only a 'few days old' (outside of the womb) overrides the huge reality that the baby has been very alive and growing usually for 9 months, but sometimes only for 5,6, 7 or 8 months, and sometimes for 9 and 1/2 months! (I was one of those later arrivals) When thinking about the new people on the planet there is much to ponder and again tune into across the board. but it's no one's Job to Do that, so once again, it' just doesn't get Done, thought through or about, noted in the newspapers (thus my blog and others to ponder aloud for US-All). Do most people realize how naming something 'makes it so" (even if not accurate? What is the value of telling the truth? Is there a deeper sense of knowing who one is and where one is in one's journey? How would it FEEL to say you are One Year Older Timewise than you are to reflect the 9 months credit deserved by you and your birth mother and father as well as others who knew you were a babe on the grow?

Feels pretty good doesn't it? I had a post about this on the first pages of this blog when I was pondering that idea which I've had over the years. I never liked seeing babies referred to as 0-3 months old. There's nothing 
Zero" about a New Cool Person on the Planet. If we reincarnate (I know that's another Biggie Truth possibility we are not even Allowed to Consider even though we study in Grade School about Other Cultures believing in such nonsense for millenia.)

IF there were such a thing (and evidence is growing from the NDE, near death experience data from the 1970s onward that oh yeah, it's more than probable, but it can take decades to hear about and consider and who benefits if there is such a thing or if on the other hand people are Not Allowed to Understand that may be the case. People in medicine, religion, elder services and many other arenas benefit when people are fearful, not informed, forced into time constraints  and limiting most are in today's modern 'civilized' world. Likely the 'children' or people with newer bodies on the planet are likely souls who chose us to be their mothers and fathers, families and friends.

They likely are far wiser and informed about spiritual matters than We can Remember, because we likely forget a lot as we transition into incarnate beings from spiritual beings. As we begin to feel rusty and dusty in the mind and body, we likely are tuning out spiritually, forgetting many capacities and even dreams and 'our purpose' for coming to earth again. Very strange but maybe just as True...and What IF that were the case> How might we recognize the needs of the people with newer bodies and minds on the planet?

Might we treat them ALL with great respect and not worry about the particulars about who their biological parents are? Could we encourage better care for all reproducing women and their partners, male or female, as they parent Even While Pregnant? Who is making up the rules and roles about parenting, when it begins (again at the Birth of a Newborn when they are one day old or at conception or maybe just feeling they want to be parents or are open to that possibiility. Half of pregnancies are not planned. Nowadays, about half of those are kept, so that means many people likely booked their own flight to land on earth.

Weeks of pregnancy could be marked by a designation of 3-1, 2 and so on through weeks 40 to 42.

For transgendered people, they can either switch their number to match these listings or do a 1-2 listing or 2-1 to indicate their role. Some may be 1+2 or N1+2 which could mean "neither 1 or 2  in terms of male or female, which could mean asexual too if that were the preferred designation (not wanting to include gender at all) Mind you , even when trying to simplify, a chart or details may make new ideas seem complicated, but please bear with me and think of how this could be beneficial for helping barriers that maybe have built up over many centuries get gently revised and clarified.

In terms of growing embryos 4s (and that could be 4/1-42w for the number of weeks along so 4-3w would be three weeks and 4-30w would be thirty weeks along in development. While it might work as well to refer to pregnant women in this manner, as 3-3 for three weeks pregnant for instance, if she and/or a man is having a surrogate mother, then they could describe the status of the embryo separate from when it is in a woman's body.

There are also frrozen embryos which again could be referenced as F4 with the weeks or if days old could be with a decimal point, such as 4.1 for the day of fertilization, then 4.2 for the second day and as desired. Potential parents need to make plans about what would happen to such frozen embryos if the parents are no longer together, getting a divorce, want to adopt with another person (the mom or dad), or otherwise plan in case of the parents own passing (put directions in one's will which of course everyone Should have but only about a third of folks have any form of even though they should and could be updated periodically, maybe every 5-10 years to reflect any life changes or assets, responsibilities,etc). 

Everyone person on the planet is 'born of a woman'. Most are also born with the direct help of a man engaged with a woman to create a new life. For 15K women a year in the US of A-Miracle, a man donating sperm is used with the in vitro technique to fertilize an egg, the woman's or another woman's. Are there rules in every country regarding these matters or are there bridges yet to build between science, ethics and the laws of a lan (which are important to know sometimes extend beyond what one imagines, or are implemented in various ways through different agencies such that they conflict and often harm the parties they are meant to protect!)

Fertility and even abortive (early or late term or even as being born) or some birth control options are scientific procedures which have profound implications and take our modern society experience to new realms of possibilities. There is book Are Men Extinct? which explores the shift of possibilities. In ways, it's not much different from voluntary  shared care, foster care and adoption practices which have always been part of the fabric of society.

Once an infant is born and can be fed formula if not being nursed or has access to breastmilk, society has allowed for an array of ways for parents and others to care for infants and rear children or younger people on the planet. Historically, families reared and even educated their own children before school became compulsory.

Daycare often became an option for people after children turned three, usually for the mornings, promoting a strong bond with many hours with one person, generally the mother or other female caregiver. In more cities and modern times, daycare can be the norm for part or all of the day for many if not most children. Parents work or do other things with childcare as only a portion of their daily schedule not the primary routine.

As the states and national policies started to review the realities of women and children being owned as the property of men, not unlke farm animals, more rights were afforded to 'the weaker sex', women over the last hundred years since women got the right to vote after much activism.

The more modern technique of having a test tube (or petri dish) embryo implanted in a woman's body to incubate as a growing alternative to the more expensive laboratory setting will make the option more affordable to potential parents. Another level of ethics and monitoring may be needed to keep women from ever being pressured into becoming impregnated in this manner or 'forced to have children' as may happen already 'the old fashioned way' in many countries.

There is much to consider as well for surrogate mothers or even women who are raped and choose to keep the pregnancy yet may have to share custody with the biological father. The need for sharing information about personal safety, revealing if someone is making a child, teen or adult woman or man feel uncomfortable or is crossing boundaries (and taking time over many occassions to see how much a person understands about language, gestures, personal space and interactions or other behaviors that could be troubling.)

There are books, programs, online resources and movies as well as televsion shows which likely provide conversation starters. So when you see an example of put-downs, bullying, offensive behavior, someone grooming or tricking another person into doing what they want (even if it's over time and starts out in benign ways, try to connect the dots and help someone Safety Plan their days and lives to not interact with a person, particularly a man or group of people who may have ulterior motives. The nature of living in a shared space can be more complicated energetically than most realize. I heard by chance that people who share a space even as housemates can start to 'synchronize their energy fields' and possibly become attracted to one another due in part to this factor even if they don't think they like each other or want to.

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