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International Peace Day also Sept 21st (that's every year, so why not plan to enjoy it with friends, out in nature and even online?)

on Sun, 09/21/2014 - 02:47

Learning about "one day of peace throughout the world' as advocated by a 'man with a mission' and his supporters to get the UN to adopt a resolution claiming 24 hours on Sept 21st each year as an International Peace Day (one for a respite from war so medicine and such could be delivered in strife-torn lands, and for valiant efforts to be made in each town, state and country to promote peace such as is done at The World Peace Sanctuary in Amenia NY year-round.)

There's much to learn and grow from by taking part in small initiatives and larger ones as one is able. March in NYC Sun 9-21-14 Don't Miss It!

on Fri, 09/19/2014 - 20:14
To the Editor:
There's hardly time to tell everyone about the largest March for Climate Change Awareness in NYC on Sunday, September 21st. But no one should miss out on this momentous event planned to encourage UN leaders to prioritize the need to set goals to keep carbon dioxide (CO-2) levels in check (ideally at 350 parts per million, see more on
 Every state, town and school deserves recognition for rearing not only successful students but activists who can protect the environment with laws and practices to reign in corporate and political tactics that could create

HVRHS 75 Years Young in 2014!

on Tue, 09/09/2014 - 04:11

A quintessial rural high school, the first Regional High School in the state of CT, celebrates its 75th anniversary in 2014, with a special open house on September 20th, 2014 from 10 to 4pm for those not heading to NYC for the Sept 21st  #PeoplesClimateMarch.

The graduating class of '14 included two honorary women graduates from the some of the earliest classes after the school opened in 1939. Our family connections run long and many maiinly since the 60s when I was just arriving on the planet (over 50 years ago).

Housatonic Valley Regional High School has stood the test of time yet the

To Ask or Not to Ask, that is the question...

on Thu, 09/04/2014 - 19:00

On occassion my monetary funds run short of what I'd like to see unfold in my life. I ask the divine to create and fulfill a day for me. I used to think I was to request that the divine deliver a Plan for the Day, but upon re-reading I see he actually suggests to ask for the whole day (planned and fulfilled as part of the bigger picture of living and breathing successfully and somewhat mindfully during  the opportunities and lessons that are part of the day).

  I wanted to share that the idea of Asking for help and money or real assistance with chores or childcare, rides or

On your Mark, Get Set for September!

on Mon, 08/25/2014 - 23:57

What does each month and season bring to mind for you and yours, your area and state, your country and greater world? Care about yourself and others, keep things in balance as nature shows us in a myriad of ways which we can mirror. See each other and yourself as 'sisters and brothers' as so many good teachings suggest from around the world (okay, some parts of the world promote this in meaningful ways and some really need to consider the collective gain by doing so).

Here are some thoughts which you may use to inspire yourself and again wider circles of your family and community to keep
