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Peter Pan and Ahoy, Dan Malloy in NW CT this past week!

on Fri, 08/08/2014 - 14:37

After seeing a stellar performance of Peter Pan at the Warner Theatre in Torrington, and Spring Awakening in Sharon (note the comment section of the blog for coverage of taboo topics in the play and our current world), I was invited along with thousands online but with a hundred others showing up to see Dan Malloy at the Cornwall Town Hall.

While the nature scene on the small stage behind him was set for the Grumbling Gyphons show of Pinocchio(and maybe that's an reminder to all of  US to be as honest as possible, given a situation but of course in politics and serious decision making like

Stumbling on Nature's Secrets by Lionheart

on Sun, 07/27/2014 - 04:31

The key  to life and health is the sun, one of nature's secrets. The center of all life on this planet is the sun which shines down on the oceans. The whales and sharks as well as the turtles can live a hundred years or more. They live in a natural environment, eating plankton and other food not from a supermarket. The large cat family only eats meat from the wild, and they live 30years and die.

The marine life is a longer span by far. When we eat meat, we lose life energy.

Family Socials a Friendly way to Get Ready for School and Stay in Touch!

on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 18:13

Each town recreation group and school and daycare outfit could promote family socials to help parents meet each other before school and daycare begins as well as seasonally to welcome newcomers and help everybuddy keep in touch. There are basic helpful tips to know, like who is one's class and where people live or at least their e-mails for keeping up on school and town events, parent and youth programs and social gatherings.

(Maybe that last one is the Most Important.) While kids may get jitters about going off to a new school or on to the next grade, so can parents.

Spike's Ride raised $15K for Sandy Hook. / Car Show in Falls Village CT funds Fire Dept PLUS More to Come!

on Tue, 07/15/2014 - 04:10

Spike’s Ride supports Sandy Hook community --letter to the  Lakeville Journal in CT

Spike’s Ride for Sandy Hook (find them on Facebook) will be held Saturday, May 3, 2014 at Lime Rock Park and is a special way to show support for the community of Sandy Hook as well as our own hometowns. When we take a day to acknowledge others (and realize time is not just about money but about LIFE) “magic happens.”

I’ve experienced this in many ways both through difficult and joyous times.

Howdy AT Hikers in CT and Bee-yond! How can we help you along the way/

on Sat, 07/12/2014 - 19:45

I've had a chance to chat with about a dozen different Applachian Trail (AT) "through hikers' (going from Georgia to Maine, a little over 2000 miles in the spring and summer months, from the south to the north). I've also met some who are doing the trail in sections rather methodically, some doing shorter hikes of a few days to a few weeks and I just met my first 'flip-flopper' who is doing various parts of the trail at different times or 'legs of his journey'.

Okay, so they are donning hiking shoes and giving themselves supplies and networks to get support from folks at home or as they can
