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International Peace Day also Sept 21st (that's every year, so why not plan to enjoy it with friends, out in nature and even online?)

on Sun, 09/21/2014 - 02:47

Learning about "one day of peace throughout the world' as advocated by a 'man with a mission' and his supporters to get the UN to adopt a resolution claiming 24 hours on Sept 21st each year as an International Peace Day (one for a respite from war so medicine and such could be delivered in strife-torn lands, and for valiant efforts to be made in each town, state and country to promote peace such as is done at The World Peace Sanctuary in Amenia NY year-round.)

There's much to learn and grow from by taking part in small initiatives and larger ones as one is able. Thanks for doing what you can to maintain peace in your soul, mind, heart and body, relationships, home, school and work area as well as your wider communiites. It all adds up to make important contributions to one's own life and health and the bigger picture. See Thinking and Destiny on for more ideas about how we may be impacting the universe.

Find out more about the wonderful impacts made by days like International Peace Day and efforts by events and even  We are on  healing path, just in the nickel of time! Peace be to you and yours, those who have journeyed on and those yet to come onto the earth/ heart friends and family, both old and new, and again, those yet to come..May the circles of friendship and respect continue to grow and include more beings on our small spaceship of earth and sea..with appreciation that 'we're all in the same boat' in many respects in life. and yet each have unique paths and minds...may each be leading to healing and peace for the one and the many and in harmony with the divine and greater good.

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