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To another Mom whose son passed in well as many others I haven't met (yet) but trust we connect at the heart level

on Mon, 05/14/2018 - 18:58
I shared this with a friend who I've known since I was a kid...whose teen son passed in a difficult way unexpectedly about a month before our teen son passed. Since then I've met many mothers who lose custody or access to their children. They refer to 'losing their kids' which is thankfully not about having them die. I think some clarification would be helpful but the pain is real, as though their children were taken 'for good'. Groups called Mothers of Lost Children and the CA Protective Parents Alliance have worked to promote Resolution 72.
That would help protective parents, generally

From One Mom (including one whose got and there and heaven-where), Wishing All A Happy Mother's Day (since that's where we came from, so lucky Magical Moms are appreciated in all their forms)

on Mon, 05/14/2018 - 03:10

Before the final moments of Mother's Day go by I wanted to cheer us all on in our mothering and othering efforts, including doing some good self care and appreciation. I put a lot in the title so I can keep this short. I've actually been running a bit short on sleep and doing extra care-giving so that's part of why I won't wax poetic into the midnight hours about all things Motherhood, from women to others who nurture people, pets, critters, plants and pacha mama (Mother Earth.)

See a book by Laurie Lisle (yes a nice local person I am fortunate to know) who wrote about not being a mother

Big News from the 13th National Mothers Custody Conference--See Resolution 72

on Sat, 05/12/2018 - 03:04

 While we have many things to tend to when it comes to rearing The Next Generation as a Society from maternal health and infant and child care whether at home or in care centers, schools, and faith groups and wider parts of a community (libraries, parks and recreation programs and all things basic to making a good home), The Courts Rule and too many protective mothers and children play the fool to corrupt or inept judges, attorneys, guardians ad litems (kind of a funny name and abbreviated as ...wait for it...GALs!) and mental health professionals and child protective services and family

The Done For You Giveaway, great free info for your email (maybe have an extra for such things) Have Faith and Consider the Winnings We All Share while here today on plan-it heart (earth)

on Wed, 05/09/2018 - 15:45

Sign up at from May 7-28, 2018 for a lot of great offers to improve yourself, your life, your business and more. There's lots to learn from just looking.Then if you feel you want some more details, you likely need to give your email, and then, drum roll..enter a contest. I won something from Tammi Metzler and hope to use it soon. She kindly gave me some extensions. I get inspired by her many offerings and bought a couple of programs to help me improve my skills

. I actually have to Do the Programs and try them out.

Congratulations to Fort Greene Park Conservancy and Monumental 2018 Event May 19th, 2018 in Brooklyn NY! Inspiring Efforts More Can Follow!

on Wed, 05/09/2018 - 15:01

Passing Along the Good News Blossoming in Brooklyn NY!

For FGPC's 20th, We're Celebrating Our Community

We'll provide the space, seating, and setting—guests will gather with hundreds of Park friends, prepare their perfect meals paired with their favorite wine and beer, or enjoy pre-planned packages from local merchants. We hope you'll join us for a night of food, community, and dancing as we commemorate FGPC's 20th Anniversary, celebrate our historic park, and honor the neighbors who make it truly monumental. 

Event attendees are encouraged to add their personal touch to the event by
