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February 2022 Olympics in China, Ski Jumps in Salisbury CT and Dancing and More online and in your kitchen!

on Mon, 02/07/2022 - 19:50
Here's to Making A Toast to All the Olympic Coaches and Athletes, Wannabees and People Braving and Exploring Their Next Cool Moves! We've Got This!
Check out a great resource to celebrate the good now and more to unfold (with Dr. Moore!)
Dr. Laurie Moore Cuts the Rug or gives Footloose a new twist (or new dimension...
New Music-Dance-Art-Creative Writing Hub here:
Golden Maps Video This time in Dance (Life is Profound and Quirky Deeply Loving and Humorous in All Dimensions)!
From eternal into the worldly breaking old paradigms in

Join in a Free Fire Prevention Program with NY Fire Dept, online Tues. Feb 8th, 2022

on Mon, 02/07/2022 - 17:17

To join in the zoom program on Fire Prevention go to Let's think of the many ways families and others can live peacefully and safely. See other resources on this blog such as Safe&TogetherInstitute with David Mandel and Ruth Stearns for online trainings and info

. Also consider the for community safety to prevent Domestic Abuse and Violence with all systems working together and empowering people to be safe.

Shared This with the folks on BeOnTVBootcamp which is inspiring and helping many to do just that. Get your message out there, they say and find a way to pitch to TV or other media...I'm game and accept help to do just that~ Go TV and Media Team!

on Sun, 02/06/2022 - 16:50

I share a lot on my blog in order to keep a conversation going in my MA/NY CT ("Many Connect") tri-corner area and in NYC too (Brooklyn contacts and living there at times...) There are a lot of NYers in our small towns and are transforming things and re-enlivening the area with more kids in the schools, people to volunteer and donate to fire and ambulance as well as libraries and faith groups etc

. I cover a lot about the last ten years in a way that anyone can feel they are 'just dropping in' and tune into the area but also I go on some deep dives about how to prevent many

Exploring Helping Our Neighbors (and Even Ourselves...) on Northwest Corner Chatter and online forums

on Fri, 02/04/2022 - 17:59
It's great to find help for a small issue in a pinch, rides or a place to buy something. But there are long term needs that our communities don't seem keen on recognizing or planning for.
That means a person who really may not need a nursing home can go there as a 'last resort' (without having other reasonable options mapped out and planned for by the community.)
It can be 2-3x more costly to have a person reside in a long-care facility than live in a more reasonable (adult housing) community setting, maybe with a family or others who are struggling to keep up with bills.

Great Resources in CT and online talks: Local Libraries, Faith Groups, Public Forums such as

on Fri, 02/04/2022 - 17:39

 I was happy to get The Night Owl newsletter from the as well as one from the of Falls Village CT and of Salisbury CT in my email.I stop by the Sheffield  and Millerton Libraries and the in the bigger towns of Great Barrington and Torrington as well. All wonderful! In Great Barringto there are CHP, Community Health Programs which are great too and offer programs throughout the area. Those are open to visitors as are most at NECC, North East Community Center in Millerton and The Audubon Center in Sharon CT!
