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Join in a Free Fire Prevention Program with NY Fire Dept, online Tues. Feb 8th, 2022

on Mon, 02/07/2022 - 17:17

To join in the zoom program on Fire Prevention go to Let's think of the many ways families and others can live peacefully and safely. See other resources on this blog such as Safe&TogetherInstitute with David Mandel and Ruth Stearns for online trainings and info

. Also consider the for community safety to prevent Domestic Abuse and Violence with all systems working together and empowering people to be safe. See also the advocacy on CA Protective Parents Association such as passing Kayden's Law (and sadly learning that 75 children died from abuse or neglect (and 115 almost died) in 2020, up 43 percent from the prior year. Many of those were due to ingestion of drugs (prescription or otherwise and often not well supervised.)

For those dying from injury or violence, most were in the custody of an abusive parent, often court-ordered in Pennsylvannia.) Those are crazy horrific stats of one state! Let's learn about what families need to be safe, healthy and protected, especially during a custody concern or high conflict.

Sadly there was a case of a father apparently ending the lives of his three young children and the woman he was involved with (for decades and as legal spouse and biological father of their children, living together) a few years ago in a quiet friendly town in Massachusetts.

Both parents were attorneys and were building a home on property they had bought. The idea that 'it doesn't happen here' or that people are not at risk (even if not knowing it) is something more people should be open to having a screening for.

The importance of all women and children understanding that they can be at risk due to their gender and relationships could help break through denial that is often promoted in faith groups and in society in general. Assistance for housing and support can be complicated and take months or years to obtain.

Every person deserves a team of support. Same goes for elders and people with declining mental of thinking abilities. Let's pull together and help one another make reasonable plans and have teams to help follow through with organizing basics and housing and support for those in need.

Preventing and putting out fires is a great place to start with safety, but not the only place to focus for fun or for more serious issues. Accountability and voluntary agreements for caring for people of each age makes sense for every state and community. I explore these ideas on too with more information to put to good use!