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Shared This with the folks on BeOnTVBootcamp which is inspiring and helping many to do just that. Get your message out there, they say and find a way to pitch to TV or other media...I'm game and accept help to do just that~ Go TV and Media Team!

on Sun, 02/06/2022 - 16:50

I share a lot on my blog in order to keep a conversation going in my MA/NY CT ("Many Connect") tri-corner area and in NYC too (Brooklyn contacts and living there at times...) There are a lot of NYers in our small towns and are transforming things and re-enlivening the area with more kids in the schools, people to volunteer and donate to fire and ambulance as well as libraries and faith groups etc

. I cover a lot about the last ten years in a way that anyone can feel they are 'just dropping in' and tune into the area but also I go on some deep dives about how to prevent many concerns and problems. I explore the big What IFs in life (like many life times IFs, and what IF things could go well with team support easily in any area of one's life, what would that look like or what steps may unfold to make that happen.)

 I am in urgent need of finding a support team for a lovely woman who needs homecare for a few hours throughout each part of the day to move from Point A to Point B and have some simple assistance. Please message me on my public Catherine Palmer Paton or Livfully Facebook  pages if you may want to join this effort for one person or get something going for someone else or in your area to be more prepared for the 'silver tsunami' of many people getting older and needing help with rides, driving, housework, homecare for themselves and pets and more!

 There will be many more in similar situations so hope each state and town and smaller community for each age group can grow networks and learn to be there for anyone in need, use fundraising and programs to meet short-term consults and training as well as respite or start up costs...a few thousand per case is not too much and is reasonable.

Then there could be ways to find the right support for ongoing care needs if housing and basics are in place. Let's think of collaborating, having group tag sales, gardens, ways to teach basic skills and share in good food routines (making soups and salads with fresh ingredients, eating healthy walnuts, almonds, pecans, pumpkin seeds, flax and chia (soaked) and sesame (toasted in a hot pan stirring, no oil or water) and sunflower seeds (raw or those can be wet then stirred in a hot pan to roast a bit and add a drop of tamari to the hot seeds...

Maybe some popcorn but hold off on the butter or blend with olive oil and Brewer's Yeast (that can do on the salads and other foods too.) Eating with a friend (even sharing what one ate) can help add a social element. A big batch of brown rice with some seasonings can complement meals.

Okay just thinking out loud here and will add the idea of using plain yogurt, some like Greek 5%, with frozen raspberries and strawberries (just a few go a long way) chopped up small and added with a tsp or two of sucanat in a fresh bowl of yogurt as a dessert. Take probiotics to nurture the gut lining and consider something like Konsyl or the plain metamucil for fiber if one has hemorrhoids to produce a better stool and prevent pushing...That may be TMI, too much info but not if someone needs the tip! Check with a doc about any concerns such as blood in a stool (poo) and consider getting a colonoscopy, yes one of those if any concerns.

See if there's a way for surgical removal of polyps to be done at the time of the colonoscopy to get things done as easily as possible. In another department mainly for women but maybe for men, be sure to learn about Lichen Sclerosis which can develop in the bodily delicate tissues and requires a biopsy to determine if present...and needs to be treated with a prescription cream for a a number of weeks. Without the treatment the tissues can fuse together (in the vaginal/labia area, so don't delay...)

Males could also be at risk to develop that and so check symptoms of irritation, itching and so on with a clear mission to figure things out and not get the brush off of 'just don't use soap' or it will run its course. It may take checking with a few different providers whether Planned Parenthood (which may not have the staff to do a biopsy) or a GYN office who hopefully would be more versed and thorough than a regular doctor.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming. Let's learn from what is happening in China and Russia and Ukraine...and pray for a peaceful stand down before things kick up any worse than they are. I just heard on TV that the people of Ukraine are parading and protesting to keep Russia O-U-T yet there are 100K troops assembled and predictions of that many being killed if they invade. The US has sent a few thousand troops over so again the concern and ties are real and showing the importance of preventing problems early and often with diplomatic measures as much as possible. At this time of the esteemed Olympics with the amazing talents of the athletes and their support crews and sports, it seems we would not allow or choose to 'go low and allow for people to hurt and kill each other with government conflicts and bullying.'

Yet in the Real World 2022 we are facing a serious time of reckoning...and most of the US is clueless about what the Ukrainian people are facing or what we can do to help prevent more escalation or war. Let's take time to learn and pray for a peaceful decline in tensions and ways to address what is happening. Raising the concerns is key and considering the implications for the world is a team sport. Every person counts and is being forced or faced with tough choices and mandates, so considering a large realm of empowering one another as our planet is also in peril is key. Not letting fear ruin the human legacy of love and hope for world peace is key in how we live our own lives and work together with others... come what may... Peace, love and light while it's still safe to pray that online and in our hearts!