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After UCONN Torrington CT closing, What Other Schools or Programs May Get Cut? How about More Prevention and Proactive Planning for All in Life?

on Thu, 04/28/2016 - 20:50
This is a summary from a post I put out there. Need to go soon but condolences to the UCONN Torrington Community. Hope the Waterbury and Winsted Options can allow you to stay in the area or pursue your education. For staff, that may be more challenging but again, I hope you can find ways to stay in the area or keep connected if you branch out. Read up locally in our state and community about state funds being cut from schools or other programs you care about.
The property taxes could be raised to help offset increases to keep programs in place people need.

Get thee to the on 4-24-16 or research such as Dr. Mark Hyman diet (Eat veggies/avocadoes, healthy fat and lower blood sugars). Make HEALTH ''cool, holy, healing as a community..

on Mon, 04/25/2016 - 16:52

 Thanks to the brave souls teaching US All about Health as Wealth and Investment in Functional, Sane Bodies and Minds (and Souls)...I have sought ways to bring these kinds of forums about before the internet or even information from people in the know was being shared. Too many piecemeal efforts not working together proved ineffective.

All parts of a vehicle must be installed and operational and in balance to have a functioning car, truck, motorcycle or 18-wheeler...With our Brains, Bodies, and Chemistries key components of our physical beings and our feelings (linked to our glandular system

Once Upon An Addiction...Yikes, Time for Everybuddy to Tune Into this Lil' EPIDEMIC!

on Mon, 04/25/2016 - 01:58

 Noble Horizons in Salisbury CT is joining the ranks of concerned citizens, groups. law enforcement and addiction recovery advocates with  a free workshop in May 2016. This post is encouraging all to learn more about opiate addiction or indicators of a substance abuse problems. Thanks for taking time to realize what a widespread  challenge this is for All of US and many others around the world.

When Facing Challenges or Bidding Someone an Earthly Farewell, see Within Reach cards by Patti Sinclair or books by Mark Anthony, Evidence of Eternity and Never Letting Go

on Thu, 04/21/2016 - 19:27

Said plenty in the title and need to go..but hugs and prayers for all who have crossed over and those who miss them..REmember them with Love and in your hearts and dreams..We are all connected and likely will always be, come what may.. 

"As goes NY, so might the US of America, so VOTE TODAY on April 19th, Tuesday in NY!!"

on Tue, 04/19/2016 - 12:08

It's important to take stock of critical moments in history or herstory or ourstory..and TUESDDAY, APRIL 19th, 2016 is one of those HUGE DAYS. Do some online research ( had some for and against points to consider for each candidate, Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton.

With Bernie's 'revolutionary approach which has drawn 7 million to donate 27 dollars on average' compared to Hillary's mega fundraisers with hundreds of thousands if not millions in donations, well the voice of the people versus the big bucks of the country is playing out.
