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A Poem about Leaves,(and Colors and Deeper Meanings) by Kaelan, Paton (1/93-6/09), 10/1/02 age 9

on Thu, 05/05/2016 - 12:28


Lovely colors liks a painting

Eventful seasons with extraordinary golds

Amazing shapes like thin ice on the water

Valuable reds fill the air

Easy yellows come down before deep oranges

Simple browns come down last but not least

When a School Budget Barely Passes and Only a Small Percent Voting, How Can We and Other Communities Build Hope and Success for All into Future PLANS?(People Learning with Agreements, Networking through Schools and Society)

on Wed, 05/04/2016 - 23:34

The Northwest Chatter FB group of a couple thousand has been helpful in the CT tri-corner area (MA/NY CT). Such forums spur more conversation than one might have otherwise. Any town or region likely could benefit from such a forum. Good luck getting yours up and running with volunteers. The unsung heroes as Ralph Nader quipped of bloggers and community activists and concerned citizens need to keep their spirits and efforts up for without an involved citizenry we're up a creek and paddlin' in circles or worse...

I feel we need a tribal gathering of sorts to allow people to post concerns and

Go online for the Hayhouse World Summit to hear free talks this MAY 2016! Treat yourself right and open your mind to the latest findings and ideas about life, health, spirit and the beyond

on Tue, 05/03/2016 - 23:00

 I'm listening to Brian Weiss as part of a set of four free talks before the May 7th, 2016 twenty day summit begins with Hayhouse. How exciting even though Brian Weiss and John Holland are talking about 'meditation or mindfulness'...not thinking or worrying just allowing the mind to get quiet maybe by taking a walk (or exercising in a zone, which one almost 70 year old woman said was the case for her on the treadmill which she does a few times a week, with consults with her doctor. That would be a guideline for anyone to check with their doctor before exercising ro making big changes.

Congrats to Brian Ohler for tossing his hat in the ring to be a CT State Rep! (And much more such as Relationship guidelines)

on Tue, 05/03/2016 - 18:56

What would anyone want if they felt they could really ask someone running for a state representative position to keep in mind? What would help the average citizen better understand the political process so each could be more effectively involved? Thanks to Roberta Willis who has represented the 64th District of CT for the better part of two decades and has been an involved citizen her whole life. She kept her spot when Brian ran against her in the last election cycle but he had many supporters.

The challenge to keep one's boat afloat in the Housatonic River corridor area pertains to most

Before investing more in colleges how about thinking of the Little Ones and help them succeed through high school..and yes if possible onto college..

on Tue, 05/03/2016 - 01:17

I have not heard any feed back about the idea of helping young students enter kindergarten and first grade at a more mature age, so they are developmentally prepared to do the important learning at those ages and mature to take advantage of college level programs in high school...and head off to college with more skills and confidence. Massachusetts (the Berkshires) has a two year program for the younger k'garten kids.

Many parents wanted that for all kids (and the work and options really do open up fast after first grade.
