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Wishing All Dads and Dad-types and Support Teams a Happy Father's Day 2018!=

on Mon, 06/18/2018 - 02:10

With a bright warm Sunday in the northeast of the US, most Dads likely woke up with a sense of gratitude for 'a day off' (generally speaking.) Many towns and roads are much quieter on Sundays and hopefully most people did not think of that as an opportune time to jump on a lawnmower or push one to liven up their neighborhood. Ideally Dads really got a day off!

If not, plan one soon and let a few in your circle pitch in or listen to your next great project or idea to brighten your corner of the world.

Reminiscing and reflecting on Kaelan's Life Experiences (And My Own) That Continue to Echo through the Lands

on Sun, 06/17/2018 - 00:15

Pardon the formatting that did not carry over from the  FB post, but I did add a few points in this. I will work on a better version but much can be gleaned from this by skimming patiently. Thanks..and peace!

Taking in the fullness of this important day to remember our wonderful Kaelan when he walked and played on the earth in his amazing human form before his untimely passing on his last day of his freshman year at Housatonic Valley Regional High School in Falls Village CT on June 16th, 2009 around 3 in the afternoon when helping friends in danger about a mile from the school at the Falls.

Marking the Day with Moments of Reflection and Connection on Kaelan's 9th year in heaven (1/6/1993-6/16/2009)

on Sat, 06/16/2018 - 17:15

Most of all I want today to be one of peace and 'going with the flow' of life and allowing for time to remembering and yes, connecting with our late son Kaelan. I don't have much time but appreciate all that's going on...mostly for the good. Peace to one and all. Hugs all around on this beyoutofull day! His Mom, Catherine

On the eve (11:11pm) of our teen son's passing 9 years later...

on Sat, 06/16/2018 - 03:24

While eager to head to bed for some rest after a head cold that seems to have been part of about five other people's experience in my circle, I took time to look on Facebook on the Northest Corner Chatter in CT. The mention of a Free First Aid for Mental Health elicited this response from me.

Making a $16 Donation to a in honor of Kaelan Palmer Paton to his Grandmother Caroline's Fund

on Tue, 06/12/2018 - 02:36

Sharing this campaign that's raised needed funds to inspire others to help their loved ones and neighbors meet basic needs particularly if 'something comes up' and the cash flow is not as great as it could be even down the road. With aging comes a natural need to network for the most part.

Even if the elders are doing a lot of caregiving, which is often the case, maybe help can be given to lighten their load (I'm thinking of many granny nannies in Brooklyn and here in CT...who basically are needed and very generous housing families and young un's, often doing the care.)

Caroline of course
