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Enneagram Class Online With Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb on The Shift Network

on Wed, 08/08/2018 - 17:32

Not much notice, but I'm passing this along since I just opened up an invite to join an online program of 17 classes over that many weeks with the renowned Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb. Check it out on along with other cool programs inspiring to read about. Maybe find a friend and consider when a program may work (for a few of you to afford and do together.) Some online programs are free, so start with those and see what you can really fit in. I find I over-reach with a few things so really need to pace myself and days.

 I'd love to take it yet don't feel I have the

Big Bird may not just be a Sesame Street Character...see and more on youtube

on Wed, 08/08/2018 - 13:05 is the link I've stumbled upon recently. Could even That Chance encounter have been guided by someone on the other side or in another realm trying to help me hear about these things sooner rather than later? I watch a bit over the past few years and am blown away with the possibilities that should basically give us all a new open-minded perspective on our humble human existence.

I sometimes wonder, "Does G-d know about all this?!" "Does G-d watch youtube or otherwise get downloads of the videos and information mere humans are trying to let each other know about

Drumming Up Some Difficult Real Life Memories but mostly good fun with the Salisbury Hand Drummers (in CT, my hometown of all places)

on Wed, 08/08/2018 - 03:57

Plenty of people know sometimes it makes sense to 'make a little noise' to get your message out. Salisbury Hand Drummers take that 'little noise' to a thunderous level at times, shaking the rafters as it were and making people want to get up and dance..or at least tap their foot or clap their hands. Tempted? Facebook friend them online or if you are up for some real adventure, come over to a class session at the Scoville Memorial Library in Salsa-berry (aka Salisbury), Connecticut on a Tuesday night from 7-8pm. 

A $15 donation per class helps keep the remarkable teacher John Marshall

Drying the Tears (from the prior post) and Thinking of How Far the US of A-Miracle Has Come Over the Years...and yet how far still to go, We Can and Must Do This!!

on Fri, 08/03/2018 - 15:14

Hearing more from friends in Florida (including the ubiquitous advocate Erin Brochovich) that there is toxic algae killing off a lot of wild sea life but that there is little to no intervention or proactive education for Floridians (who News Flash: May go the way of the fish either due to oceans rising or toxicity coming their way if underground sources of water are polluted and more...)

 What we basically need and deserve are a coordinated set of skilled, ethical leaders not pining away for a few minutes at a political table, but an overhaul of our entire system with an eye toward wisdom,

I feel like crying with joy when I see how hard California Protective Parents Association(CPPA) is consistently working for Positive Change

on Fri, 08/03/2018 - 01:09

A big title and almost too personal to share, but  moreover a huge sense of pride that CPPA, California Protective Parents Alliance, can keep up with ambitious goals and help lead the country to a brighter day for all parents, really. Because, if you were an abuser, would you deep down actually want to keep doing that and have no one try to stop you or succeed in doing so? More pressing of a question is If you or your children were being abused wouldn't you want someone to be enraged or otherwise motivated to fight like the dickens to get you and your lil' chickens, ie kiddos, safe?
