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House Concurrent Resolution 72

Drying the Tears (from the prior post) and Thinking of How Far the US of A-Miracle Has Come Over the Years...and yet how far still to go, We Can and Must Do This!!

on Fri, 08/03/2018 - 15:14

Hearing more from friends in Florida (including the ubiquitous advocate Erin Brochovich) that there is toxic algae killing off a lot of wild sea life but that there is little to no intervention or proactive education for Floridians (who News Flash: May go the way of the fish either due to oceans rising or toxicity coming their way if underground sources of water are polluted and more...)

 What we basically need and deserve are a coordinated set of skilled, ethical leaders not pining away for a few minutes at a political table, but an overhaul of our entire system with an eye toward wisdom,