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When someone posted "Trauma is the Root Cause of Addiction" on FB, a few thoughts came to mind...(Surprise!)

on Sat, 06/08/2019 - 15:57

I also hear there is a lot of undiagnosed ADHD linked to substance use...worth a google I'd say. RooI have also heard tt causes can even be generational energetically (so that may link to trauma as well as food/drink habits and biology...)

I've read plenty of the Alice Miller books years ago, but basically there was a huge effort to 'beat the devil out of a child' book that was used for a hundred years in the Middle Ages or thereabouts...That set up unrealistic and unhealthy standards for children, many of whom progressed to working and going into factories.

Gotta Watch Out for Abuse and Danger, Whether Rabies or Human Rights Violations, Custody Malfunctions Which Land Kids or Women with Abusers in Control...

on Sat, 06/08/2019 - 14:38
Nice as it is to want to have a dog, it's always a good idea to talk to others who actually have one to learn 'what's involved to train, feed, care for and otherwise keep track of a dog or other pet.'
One friend said to plan on a couple thousand a year for care for a dog...and get ready for vet bills. That said, maybe more dog owners could share their skills and introduce their dogs to groups of people who would like to be more connected to a four-legged buddy.
There are therapy dogs and I've known a few who have gone into schools or nursing homes.

When Things Go Wrong, We Can Consider Our Many World Views...and Hope for the Best

on Fri, 06/07/2019 - 13:34
This difficult news hits the hearts of all who hear it...The word 'hear' is a big part of heart and may be part of the process some call 'ascension', wherein our heart center of emotions, intuition, lovingkindness and connection are awakening with 'higher frequencies'.
Check out From Strange but True Stories (I think that's what it was called on youtube) and Eve Wilson's Riding the Wave of Change and many others such as Delores Cannon.
There are ideas that ascending is about remembering that we are immortal, indestructible, spiritual or soulful beings from a 5th dimension who come

Web Browsing for an hour... from Mexican Tariffs until the border issues are better addressed, to "Life on the Farm... Little People,Big World" Updates

on Thu, 06/06/2019 - 14:15

Along the way of cruising the web this morning I listened to the podcast about "Insiders Book of Secrets" which has theories that the FDA is maybe serving drug companies more than the people of the US of A...with some 'Clinton Cartel' connections in terms of where and how the money flows. I wasn't listening to chapter and verse, but the overall idea was that many medical ailments maybe could be addressed at root causes with simple natural less expensive remedies than the medical industry would have us believe.

The American public may be kept in the dark about things that other countries use

One Mom's Plea to Please SLoW DoWn! Her Boys want to Bike Safely!

on Thu, 06/06/2019 - 12:11
My blog is and I have offered playful ideas about having women drive on even numbered days and men on odd numbered days...and see if that can help show differences.
Also as much as possible (especially on long or regular drives where there are options...) drive North at the top of the hour, South on the half-hour, West on the quarter before the hour and East on the quarter after. Drive the speed limit or less to show yourself and others you Can Do It and are learning that 'what goes around comes around...maybe not to you but to Yours...
Would you want your loved ones to
