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When Things Go Wrong, We Can Consider Our Many World Views...and Hope for the Best

on Fri, 06/07/2019 - 13:34
This difficult news hits the hearts of all who hear it...The word 'hear' is a big part of heart and may be part of the process some call 'ascension', wherein our heart center of emotions, intuition, lovingkindness and connection are awakening with 'higher frequencies'.
Check out From Strange but True Stories (I think that's what it was called on youtube) and Eve Wilson's Riding the Wave of Change and many others such as Delores Cannon.
There are ideas that ascending is about remembering that we are immortal, indestructible, spiritual or soulful beings from a 5th dimension who come

Song of Remembrance of Heroic Kaelan Palmer Paton (Jan 6, 1993 to June 16, 2009)

on Wed, 06/07/2017 - 03:24

Song for Kaelan Paton (1-6-1993 to 6-16-2009)-- by Catherine Palmer Paton, his mom on 6-16-2011

Here's to our Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton
Who acted without hesitation
To do all he could to save each friend
Even if that might mean his mortal end.

After school their group headed to the river
Trusting all to the life giver
To keep them safe as they jumped and swam
Celebrating summer and ways to win.

Yet whitewater trapped three boys.
Kaelan hand-signalled "9-1-1" amidst loud noise.
Kaelan saved John and Richie by reaching out a hand,
Skillfully and bravely while barely on land.

But to save the third he'd