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Lots of Timely Wisdom (hard won by some but to save you the trouble or blind-siding!)Check Out Podcasts and a Black Friday Special (two diff resources, one from

on Thu, 11/24/2022 - 17:02

Hello and Happy Thanksgiving 2022...We made it! Good luck not overdoing it at meal time! Having something like a drink of water or light tea or juice with a tsp of Konsyl (a psyllium husk drink like Metamucil but without sugars or fake sugars which of course can spike blood sugars...) if your doc is on board with that or other professionals if you have medical issues...15 min before you have your meal can add helpful fiber for digestion and give you a headstart on feeling full not starving hungry!

Register for Free Access to Networking with Les Brown and Guests!

on Thu, 11/24/2022 - 03:10

Here's an invite to a great offer for free! This is from Schroeder Nordholt, a voice coach (worth googling and working with too!) Here's a sample--

Do you do business with entrepreneurs? Join us for Virtual Speed Networking with the legendary LES BROWN, hosted by the amazing Manny Lopez and includes other amazing transformational leaders in the entrepreneurial space like Sean Stewart!! You won't want to miss this incredible event! 

You're in FREE on this VIP guest list! 

Even if you can’t make it, please register and here’s why: If my friend Schroeder gets 25

Register for Virtual Free Event on Dec 1, 2022 from 11am-12:30pm (ET) About Trauma and Healing

on Tue, 11/22/2022 - 21:53

Here are the details from a newsletter I received. No changes have been made. One needs to register to get the link to sign up via email.
The Democracy and Belonging Forum is a new initiative from OBI that brings together civic leaders in Europe and the US who are committed to countering pernicious polarization by bridging across lines of difference while centering the needs and concerns of marginalized groups.

Through in-person and online convenings, original research, story-sharing, funded joint experiments and other activities, we will evolve our understanding of othering, belonging,

A Few Recipes for Fun and Sharing the Planning and Implementation of Parties, Projects and Success!

on Mon, 11/21/2022 - 23:16

Hello and Wishing All a Nice Thanksgiving with family, friends, community members and more...

Here are a few 'recipes' for making the next month plus into 2023 as positive and enjoyable as possible...of course, fill in with lots of fun and keep track with some photos to remember whose showing up to make each day more of the gift it is!

Finding balance will be everyone's 'game'...pacing the making of delectable food or otherwise pitching in (rides, teams of cooking and cleaning and even planning and taking breaks for oneself to enjoy the moments and savor the flavors...) 

Thanks to all

Feasting Away With Education and Free Offers from 11/21-12/4/2022

on Mon, 11/21/2022 - 17:35

Here is a link I found in my email to access some great offers for small business owners and more.

Check that out and enjoy some fun too from what offers for youngsters of all ages to explore and connect with nature and be a team player. Some free songs and ideas listed to help every caregiver tune into encouraging creativity, compassion, and exploration of being outdoors and part of a group as well.

Best to all this Thanksgiving and each season of the year.
