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Fresh Starts and Second Chances in 2022 for US of A-Miracle The World Over

on Thu, 01/27/2022 - 18:47
To the Editor:
With January 2022 fully underway and plenty in the air to remind people we need
to plan to stay healthy, productive and connected with more awareness, we can
deem this year one of Fresh Starts and Second Chances.
That may mean many
things to people to assess and pursue goals on a personal, family and social level,
school and work level and with wider world concerns and efforts as well. Where
might we start or focus to make the most of our time together whether online,
in our neighborhoods, towns, states and wider regions? 
The concerns most are tuning into understand the interplay of

My Vision That Needs More Support and Wheels Under It (yes I said that exciting W word but mean teamwork, networks and yes rides and adventures too!) to make the World a Friendlier, More FUNctional Place!

on Thu, 01/20/2022 - 14:39

I blog on sharing themes of helping prevent problems at each age and stage of life. Moreover I am trying to share tips for helping people 'stay be kind and clear with themselves and safe and effective in relating to others' to avoid pitfalls and patterns of decline and difficulty.

I have Big Ideas and informal outreaches that I give away but would like to package and promote these ideas in user friendly ways.

Teaming Up Today to Help Others Tomorrow (or even Later Today!) With Home Care and Caregiver Support, Those Go Hand In Hand!

on Thu, 01/20/2022 - 13:44
More communities can help each resident plan for who could help them 'in a pinch, during an expected time of need whether with pregnancy, new parenting, parenting in general and with each new child, any age or decline related needs and overall ADLs (Activities of Daily Living). 
If we tune in together, the more clear it would become that everyone could use an overview of what home care and support entails (even to keep a house up and running, and again address caregiver support so a team is in place should extra help be needed or replaced on a per diem basis.)
Some people could form volunteer

Ready, Set, Train Up to Learn to be a Coach, Networker, Parent, Firefighter, Policeman, Teacher, Nurse's Aid, Home Companion, Advocate and More!

on Sun, 01/16/2022 - 17:53

As Martin Luther King, Jr Day arrives, the US is hearing the news that the man who held four people hostage in Colleyville TX has died (without clarification of the manner of death at this point) and the four held are safe (one man released without harm on Jan 14th, 2022  around 5pm.) Everyone can feel concerned with a sudden situation of danger or difficulty, whether for safety needs or addressing violence.

The alarming news of a man flying 5000 miles to  Dallas, Texas to demand the release of a woman in federal prison, Aafia Siddiqui.

Sharing Tips from A Recognized Dating Coach...Could be Worth Keeping Handy Before Winging It...

on Fri, 01/14/2022 - 16:20

From an email from Wendy Newman, Dating Coach...(I am not an affiliate but hope more get help in this important area of life.) Also check out what Lisa Garr does and many others on this blog I've had a chance to listen to over the last decade.

See a post I wrote early on called "Check List for Chicks and Guys" too..and 'easier said than done' but keep fine tuning your safety, boundaries, support and accountablity team and see what's on and on DV sites (but know that many 'experts' cannot speak to many key issues, so see what and others say Before Getting in
