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Teaming Up Today to Help Others Tomorrow (or even Later Today!) With Home Care and Caregiver Support, Those Go Hand In Hand!

on Thu, 01/20/2022 - 13:44
More communities can help each resident plan for who could help them 'in a pinch, during an expected time of need whether with pregnancy, new parenting, parenting in general and with each new child, any age or decline related needs and overall ADLs (Activities of Daily Living). 
If we tune in together, the more clear it would become that everyone could use an overview of what home care and support entails (even to keep a house up and running, and again address caregiver support so a team is in place should extra help be needed or replaced on a per diem basis.)
Some people could form volunteer ad hoc teams to understand what is available to people and what is working well..and what could be improved or added.
Then more official teams could be formed so emergency services would not be as needed or could be informed about special cases and care needs. Whose thinking that makes sense...and is important since there is a large aging population in every town and state in the US (and even likely could learn and share ideas even farther afield,
Let's promote the wisdom of "Home Care to Keep You There" as the former CT's Sharon Nurses Registry had as their mission and saying. I explore many important ideas on my blog and in letters to The Lakeville Journal and with an ad to the Shopper's Guide (online as well.)
Let's Do This thing called Community with each age group and care need identified and addressed with the great efforts and team that we're used to in many parts of our lives at home, school, work and life in the tri-corner MA/NY CT area...and beyond, helping others and learning more from those online.