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Yes there's A Lot Going On This Summer and For You and Me...Let's Join Forces As Many Do in Groups Online and Be Part of the Healing and Shared Success!

on Mon, 06/05/2023 - 14:27
Wishing all well as school wraps up and summer opens up to fun and sharing the roads and time with others locally and passing through or here for the season.
Please let's 'allow space and second chances' to find ways to connect and respect one another. That said, if someone is not of your choosing...okay to 'step away or not engage, not read what is written (yes, even here or wherever) but hopefully find ways to bridge gaps through networks and consider if one is putting up walls where there could be windows. building bridges not a barriers 'forever.'
There are laws preventing contact among

Many Thanks to CNAs and Caregivers who Help So Many...but some drawbacks to the job so 'be warned!' You are Not Alone!

on Sun, 06/04/2023 - 23:34

Thanks for your remarkable, caring work. Robots are needed to handle some of the lifting and who knows what else but who'd really want that? The human touch and understanding of many needs is light years away from what a robot or most folks for that matter can do especially longterm..and Yet, the job is not appreciated even by many of the patients (they need more patience and support since they have a tough row to hoe of being compromised with mobility and needing to ask and fine tune needs...just to sit up and eat or do basic things.

Having help with their interests and 'life' is not even on

Exploring Ways To Fund and Have Fun Being Community in Groups and More!

on Sat, 05/27/2023 - 14:52
Lots of great ideas to ponder: r Walking Our Talk which is a women's group in the tri-corner areas that 400 women have enjoyed being part of for many years...a growing circle of friends. Thanks to all who may be able to visit today or make a donation of funds or have things they sell and may want to donate a portion of profits to this or another good cause! Summer Fun and Learning can help make the season that much richer!

Important Timely Bill To be Raised in CT About DV Murder Being a Felony...and other resources shared

on Tue, 05/23/2023 - 00:45

 From There is a bill being considered to make a DV murder a felony, not 'an act of passion' that can be plead down. If you sign up for the newsletter, the link appears to support hearing this bill soon. So it should be done tonight.

Thanks for learning about what they offer and are working with other states in the country to make the justice system a place for protection from harm when there are forms of DV in custody or possibly divorce cases as well.

All sectors of society need to get informed and not 'hide in the shadows or be afraid' to understand the

Whose got SCIN in the game (pronounce skin and a bit like it to for coverage but of property transfer...) Explore terms with me here now!

on Sun, 05/21/2023 - 23:00

Someone sent me this and always important to talk to a few experts and see it they're saying the same options exist in one's is another helpful resource to understand terms and possibly have a consult (the person or their POA would need to be making the call etc and may need more review before getting a consult with anyone...and these things may take weeks or months and even years for people to warm up to and figure out, do some homework and have a second consult down the road...some people give some free general info sessions or a discount or otherwise 'onboard
