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"Sharon The Brooklyn Angel" of many amazing people but one still leading the way to give and receive

on Thu, 08/16/2018 - 16:39

I am reemembering a wonderful friend from the past few years of getting to know her kind and generous spirit in special ways since I heard of her passing when I was in Kent CT. I encouraged her family to think of the outreach done for local charities by Kent Presents (whose talks will be online for all.)

These kinds of big dreams coming true would have brought a big smile to Miss Sharon's bright face and she would have prayed a blessing that all would go smoothly and that everyone involved from speakers to hosts and recipients would be richly blessed in their efforts.

Sharing We.Net on My Mom's 'WouldHaveBeen" 96th B-earthday...Happy Aug and Sept 2018 and Beeyond!

on Tue, 08/14/2018 - 12:39

 Here's a fun new insight I made about the word (and maybe bigger meaning of the term) email. I'll get to the main point of my post in just a jiffy but am glad I am remembering to put this on my blog before I head out for a day of adventures from here to Kent Presents get-ready workshop then onto NYC. Okay, the word and term Email rhymes with Female, and yes, had the word Male in it as well, as does the word Female. Let that sink in for a moment then free associate and see what comes into one's awareness...

 I noticed just yesterday on the phone with my Bluehost friend who was talking all

Last Call to See Folk Legacy Records Web Site Before A Transition..most of its on youtube..but still cool to see

on Sun, 08/12/2018 - 04:11

Hello One and All In the Folk Music World and Wider Community. Times they are a changin' and the Folk Legacy Website will be taken down shortly, The company will likely be in good hands shortly under new terms, so hold off on the orders..They'll be available in a bit. But do enjoy one last peek at the 'original site.'

And wishing all a musical summer, autumn, winter and spring..and sure that's a wink to James Taylor who has the chorus starting with Winter, spring, summer or fall, all you have to do is call.

Lots More To Review and Consider About Interacting In Public Vs Places of Business, Faith Groups and More in Modern Times

on Fri, 08/10/2018 - 17:28

I found myself thinking about the opportunity to gather in the public safe space, physically and emotionally for the most part, to honor those who have journeyed on and to show care and support for their families and one another.

It sounded great and was healing in ways that are touching lives more than we can  know when people learn of the event happening.

Even the possibility and option to allow for that especially when everything seems regulated to the teeth in our schools and communities, due to liability and prevention of risk or not having the right resources to address matters, even

Special Circle Gathering on the athletic field inside the track at HVRHS To Remember and Reflect...

on Fri, 08/10/2018 - 03:29

When I was in Brooklyn NY last weekend I helped host a block party. One of the leaders bumped her head on a pole and had trouble speaking. I was worried about her but mostly trusting she'll be okay. I have yet to learn more. I got to see some little kids I've been in touch with for a few years...and one  two-year-old said during our time together, "Circle Time!" She was sitting down with her legs out straight and had a big smile on after making her announcement.
