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Judy Satori Offerings Helping Many. Consider the free talks, various levels of trying her programs too.

on Wed, 01/29/2020 - 16:32

At the New Life Expo, Judy Satori has given in-person talks and sessions with a 'light language' which is really likely nothing you've ever heard before audibly. Maybe in one's dreams or a sci-fi movie. With all due respect, this will not be something everyone will resonate with or want to know about 'even if a lot of good can come of it.'

She shares many ideas about humanity and our shared evolution, offering that special energy is assisting us at this time and will continue to help us through 2033 (I think that's the date she mentioned.) So this is a rather special time in many people's

Helpful Resource for America and the World, One of Many Caring Timely Topics

on Tue, 01/28/2020 - 19:25

Here's a note Suzanne O'Brien shared about her Live FB short videos leading up to a training on Feb. 4th, 2020 that one can pay to take. I hope to see some of them even though I've taken the training a few years ago. It's been a very helpful part of my life journey and I hope to keep being on the advocacy team as well. Thanks, Suzanne and all who join in this important work!

"I'm giving a free 30 video training Introduction series for Certified End of Life Doulas and Doulagiver Specialists. This training series is great information for anyone wanting to learn more about caring for a loved

Sharing Cool Resources such Wake Up Your Life Is Calling

on Tue, 01/28/2020 - 16:54

Hi, In case you are in a hurry I put the title of a book I've been meaning to get in post heading. This incredible story by Mike Jaffe whose little girl had motivated him to want to spend more time in a different way (and took a day to go in late to work at the World Trade Center...on 9/11/01.)

A rather inspiring talk online too with him on Channel 8...Now I am sharing this because I jotted down the message and title, Wake Up!

Notes to My Vassar Class and Others from the 1980s For Today's Modern World and Times

on Tue, 01/28/2020 - 16:06

Hello to All as I finally have my plans coming together for a trip from NYC to Hawaii...I wonder how many miles the average (if there is such a thing) Vassar or college age student from the 1980s has logged in the past few decades...

If we knew then what we know now about the world, how might we have tweaked our life choices and connections? I see the hundreds and even thousands of FB friends todays' college grads have, and know many have done a lot of travel, work in various fields and advocacy to improve the world.

Creating Waves of Love and Peace Remembering Basketball Legend Kobe Bryant, His Daughter Gianna, 13, and Seven Others 1/26/19

on Mon, 01/27/2020 - 01:10

Where were you when you read or heard the news that Kobe Bryant's mortal life ended in a helicopter crash this Sunday morning, January 26, 2019? As part of getting ready to take a trip from Connecticut out West,  I was getting some help downloading photos from my SIM Card and had time to check the internet. I couldn't believe the title at first and thought maybe there was some kind of exaggeration or fake news, a headline to get attention.

But within moments I realized 'This is for real." Truth be told, I don't watch sports but knew he was famous...and an athlete, so had to read up.
