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Judy Satori Finished the First Breaking Through Program, Free to Humanity

on Sat, 06/06/2020 - 22:02

Hello to People Far and Wide during this special month of June 2020. I am sharing these offers from alternative thinkers and and material on The Ascension Library covering a free program Breaking Through has been fully recorded over 6 weeks. She has  video explaining the process week to week.

Then today on June 6th, 2020 she offered a new set of insights after processing with some people (and about 1250 folks online) about what their experience was like.

Not Your Typical COVID-Fix..but then again, these are not typical times. An idea worth knowing about, free and 'ultra light language'

on Sat, 05/02/2020 - 15:23  is the free offer currently running from with Judy Satori (who has many other offerings and a free trial of her programs for five days.) Judy Satori had over 1500 people on the second call in a series of six weekly live sessions.

Judy Satori is running this program online to help people 'upgrade their DNA and frequencies to be more in alignment with healing and receiving' positive connections with energy to help us at this time in our human evolution.

Judy Satori Offerings Helping Many. Consider the free talks, various levels of trying her programs too.

on Wed, 01/29/2020 - 16:32

At the New Life Expo, Judy Satori has given in-person talks and sessions with a 'light language' which is really likely nothing you've ever heard before audibly. Maybe in one's dreams or a sci-fi movie. With all due respect, this will not be something everyone will resonate with or want to know about 'even if a lot of good can come of it.'

She shares many ideas about humanity and our shared evolution, offering that special energy is assisting us at this time and will continue to help us through 2033 (I think that's the date she mentioned.) So this is a rather special time in many people's