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Suzanne O'Brien Offering Insights on FB Live for End of Life Certified Doula Training

Helpful Resource for America and the World, One of Many Caring Timely Topics

on Tue, 01/28/2020 - 19:25

Here's a note Suzanne O'Brien shared about her Live FB short videos leading up to a training on Feb. 4th, 2020 that one can pay to take. I hope to see some of them even though I've taken the training a few years ago. It's been a very helpful part of my life journey and I hope to keep being on the advocacy team as well. Thanks, Suzanne and all who join in this important work!

"I'm giving a free 30 video training Introduction series for Certified End of Life Doulas and Doulagiver Specialists. This training series is great information for anyone wanting to learn more about caring for a loved