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Free New Life Virtual Exhibit Zoom Sunday Sessions 12-3pm in May and June 2020/ Prior talks available for purchase also

on Wed, 05/20/2020 - 17:51

Ever wish you could get to a New Life Expo without having to actually get there and take a couple of days to meet all the cool exhibitors? I have and I'm sure many people would LOVE to be part of the discovery and connection with alternative healing, insights and consideration of these times and the bigger picture. Sign up to get access at Here is some info from that site to appreciate who has been gathering and sharing for decades.

The Following is from the Organizer Mark Becker from the main website. Tickets may be on Eventbrite.

"NEWLIFE Expo is the largest and

Eensy Weensy Spider and Other Bugs Merit One Wearing Long Sleeves, Pants, Hat and Gloves (and Socks and Sneakers)

on Wed, 05/20/2020 - 03:27

Newsflash! It's not just the ticks that can be up to cruel tricks for the two-leggeds (people, especially if crawling around in their garden when weeding or playing with kids..or taking a chance to do some earthing on a blanket on the grass...)

Same for pets.Watch out for poison ivy and other tricky plants that can wreak havoc with one's skin. Any bites or toxic plants can possibly cause infections that look like burns, swell and can spread to lymph glands and cause serious harm to health, damage skin (even permanently or cause it to rot and need removal...) or cause cellulitis.

Civic Research Institute shares Domestic Violence Report articles and newsletters

on Mon, 05/18/2020 - 17:59


"Mothers Risk Loss of Custody in Cases Involving Parental Alienation and Abuse Allegations" by Attorney Joan Meier and others important for all states to clarify these pressing matters and make appropriate changes to safeguard people, particularly abused mothers and children so they can have their human rights of safety, connection and decent living conditions respected.

There is a great deal of advocacy for 'shared parenting' and yet  should not be sought (even by parting parents who think it

"Reaching Across Our Borders, Never Turning Back" as a song goes. No stopping the Bigger Love and Care for one another...

on Sun, 05/17/2020 - 20:15 is a link to some lovely harmonies and an inspiring song!

Women birthed the world, voices are joining together and a growing awareness such as from that humanity is evolving with love. She offers a free Breaking Through program for people to 'upgrade their DNA and be more connected with their gifts and a shared love and healing' frequencies... That's on 

"Sin Volver atras' 'Never Turning Back." Siempre...'always' (these are some tips about the Spanish language as well as the English

Lots of info on New Life Expo from

on Sun, 05/17/2020 - 17:45

Soul Code Discovery Through Your Name book sounds very cool...on
From Me to All Panelists:  01:41 PM
Ex.Ffor the name MARK in Hebrew letters total a Life path of 7...and means able to connect with people. "Mar" means bitter yet turned around to Ram means uplifted. If you want to experience what's uplifting then one needs to 'chew on the bitter or feel one's feelings fully'. K means 'act as if" Kabbalistic teachings is may mean Monkey...and acting as if... Leaning into the future of already claiming things even if it hasn't manifested yet.

There'd be breathwork related to
