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Watch out for infected cuts and bug bites. Don't delay in getting medical help. Infection is serious business...and some can lead to damaged tissue or worse

Eensy Weensy Spider and Other Bugs Merit One Wearing Long Sleeves, Pants, Hat and Gloves (and Socks and Sneakers)

on Wed, 05/20/2020 - 03:27

Newsflash! It's not just the ticks that can be up to cruel tricks for the two-leggeds (people, especially if crawling around in their garden when weeding or playing with kids..or taking a chance to do some earthing on a blanket on the grass...)

Same for pets.Watch out for poison ivy and other tricky plants that can wreak havoc with one's skin. Any bites or toxic plants can possibly cause infections that look like burns, swell and can spread to lymph glands and cause serious harm to health, damage skin (even permanently or cause it to rot and need removal...) or cause cellulitis.