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Story Crafters performance Wednesday, July 1st, 2020 at 9 am. Looks like fun

on Tue, 06/30/2020 - 19:51

Access to link on Vimeo from 9 am - 9 pm

Password: imagine1

Kick off the start of the Summer Reading Season with "The Fellowship of the Books"! The Amenia Library, NorthEast-Millerton Library, Pine Plains Library, Roeliff-Jansen Community Library and the Scoville Memorial Library are teaming up this summer to offer joint programming to our children and families!

Enjoy fairy tales, folk tales, myths, and more with the Story Crafters from the comfort of home!

Jump Into the POOL to get a Loan from SBA (Small Business Association)...Many are eligible, see more online

on Tue, 06/30/2020 - 19:27

Passing this along directly from an email I got from Hakeem Jeffries, Rep from NY. This is Federal money however, so check it out whichever state you are in, if you have your own business (sole proprietorship), or may qualify for other funds (maybe homeowners, renters, non-profits and more.) Step 1, Find a lender or learn more about being eligible, Step 2, Fill out the form with your info, Step 3, Submit the form online with email info etc so you can hear back.

Safe & Together Institute Offering Virtual Academy, Podcasts and Information

on Tue, 06/30/2020 - 15:41

Great deal of free info and programs to pay for as well to gain insights and ways to address abuse, control and violence of a parent (generally a father.) The terms Safe and Together speaks to keeping a child(ren) safe and together with their protective parent (generally the mother.) There is a lot to learn yet many individuals, agencies, criminal and judicial training and new laws incorporating the information is a pathway toward real learning and hopefully Change. Celebrates Covid-19 Heroes including Callum Becvarik

on Mon, 06/29/2020 - 20:31

Callum Becvarik is a heroic high school volunteer who answered the call to help in Gallup NM for 12-hour shifts (the night shifts included.) I was concerned about the intense hours this young man was putting in (and still am hoping he can get good support to rebalance his metabolism and sleep quotient, God bless him.)

I heard of his work through the website and encourage people to appreciate what youth in their 2nd or 3rd year of high school are pursuing voluntarily (and sometimes without getting credit but I hope to figure that out soon so I'm clear about what factors into such

Passing the Hat for the Awesome Work and Outreach Of Wild Earth, see more on

on Mon, 06/29/2020 - 18:19

(The following is from the e-newsletter from Wild Earth. No affiliation with this blog or wherever shared.  See more on their site


Wild Earth Needs Your Support! 


Over the last 3 months, Wild Earth has shown up for our local communities and now we need our community to show up to sustain our organization! 

We have pivoted to provide weekly remote learning activities for our school partners, helped Kingston high school seniors reflect on their accomplishments before graduation, and contributed hundreds of hours to mutual aid and emergency food efforts! 


We also had
