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Good News the Census Can Continue through October so Get Counted for the Benefits for Yourself and Your Community and State!

on Fri, 10/02/2020 - 14:17

From The Lakeville Journal (of CT) I read that the census count can continue through October. Let's make every day and person count this month to get more treats than tricks by the end of the month on Halloween on Oct.31st, 2020! Talk it up and enjoy this next part of my post about a special online conference for Women (in business but I say being a person is a business unto glad I answered the call and attended the first ones 16 years ago...) Aside from some sound or tech issues, they have great speakers and I'll get a replay.

Sharing the Legacy of An Inspirational Woman for All Times...

on Fri, 10/02/2020 - 01:22

There are many wonderful people who have touched up all of our lives... Let's start with our parents, especially our mothers..Really, where would be without Them? Biological and otherwise, the nurturers of life for each person are precious, especially birth mothers yet also surrogates and those brave nursing moms in the world, many 'figuring it all out' with fewer supports and role models.

Photos of Statue Depicting Grief and Hope

on Thu, 10/01/2020 - 16:19 shows a newly installed statue in a cemetery....imported to the US so will share more details as come along and okay to do so, but rather astounding and maybe helpful to more people in this time of COVID19 to see expressions of human suffering and the journey beyond...

Starting Off "Oak"tober on the Right Foot and with Celebrating Acorns To Oaks Team Outreach and Friends United Network (A-2020 FUN!)

on Thu, 10/01/2020 - 16:00

Glad I got to be part of couple of virtual walk fundraisers for good causes. Thanks to all walking for good causes, sharing the positive ways to address many needs and making the most of each friends in the Acorns To Oaks Team Outreach and Friends United Network of which everyone is inherently part of ...and outreach I've been doing to help humanity tune into one another, the gifts of life and nature and more...

A-2020 FUN!

Passing Along Cool Info on Loans from Small Business Association--some may be an advance that don't need to be paid back (yes, pretty cool, right?!)

on Tue, 09/29/2020 - 19:47
SBA To Provide Small Businesses Impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19) Up to $2 Million in Disaster Assistance Loans
WASHINGTON – SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza issued the following statement today in response to the President’s address to the nation: 
“The President took bold, decisive action to make our 30 million small businesses more resilient to Coronavirus-related economic disruptions. Small businesses are vital economic engines in every community and state, and they have helped make our economy the strongest in the world.
