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CT Representative Maria Horn has strong stand on her site to review the 1/6/20 DC comment below

on Thu, 01/14/2021 - 03:54
I shared some ideas on as I have for many years. I would hope more communities could have meaningful discussions that would allow for people to know one another (or the gist thereof) to understand we are seeking a 'just and fair society' as a way for everyone access basics to live (which can prevent extreme actions linked to poverty and other setbacks, such as poor education or lack of housing and means...)
The book by Simon Winchester on Land is one that could help more of America consider the history of the few owning (often linked to using slaves or other ill means to gain

Jacqueline Wales Offering a Special Program Jan 2021 to Small Group of Top Notch Business Women...Maybe You!

on Thu, 01/14/2021 - 02:03

"This particular cohort is for senior professional women and it’s by application only since it will be a small group of eight and starts January 26th for six weeks," read a correspondence from Jacqueline Wales recently when I was inquiring about an offering she had a zoom talk about which I missed.  About a decade ago, I got to meet her in Salisbury CT at the Wake Robin Inn event hosted by a local business group (was in the bank or non-profit, I'm not sure, but was well-attended.)

She has a book The Fearless Factor so find out more about why she is a savvy coach and business leader.

What I Shared With Some As I Saw TV Coverage Unfolding on 1/6/21 in DC

on Sat, 01/09/2021 - 22:14
Hello to all, This is concerning but is reminding people of the democracy we live in...but some taking it beyond the legal limit. Some are saying 'bad actors' stormed the Capitol, not the main crowd. Curfew time is here..Trump said, "Go home, we love you...and there was a fraudulent vote etc.." 
From 6pm to 6am there is a ban on being in the streets in DC. They are peaceful now, but not leaving... a long police line has pushed the crowd back slowly. The lawn has not been cleared..Just taking notes from a brief report... Tear gas was used a bit... Basically Trump supporters for the most part. 

By Now Everyone Has An Opinion About DC Jan. 7th, 2021 Tragic Events and Loss of Four Lives

on Fri, 01/08/2021 - 23:34
I imagine many people who are not usually glued to the tube found themselves needing to find out more details once they heard about what was happening on Thursday, Jan. 7th, 2021 in Washington DC with 'mobs storming the White House', a shift from a rally or protest about President Trump not winning re-election according to the powers that be in all states and the federal government.
There are sites that have discussed many aspects of government, the what-if's about many things (whether there are aliens or undergound control groups and more... ) yet many people feel President Trump and others

Lisa Madsen offering insights about caregiver burn-out... Let's learn more sooner rather than later!

on Mon, 01/04/2021 - 06:15
I hope every college and high school if not grade school could teach more folks about 'burn out' such as offered by Lisa Madsen...and the early warning signs so people can be aware of the pressure they are under..
.I may make some of my own charts since I find multi-tasking with a dog barking, a person who can't hear or otherwise calling out for something, trying to manage someone's bills and save them money and so forth can add up to Too Much at Once to be able to really get the technical stuff done if not aware of the tally.
I know to 'slow down and take a break'...and think about what
