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Jacqueline Wales Offering a Special Program Jan 2021 to Small Group of Top Notch Business Women...Maybe You!

on Thu, 01/14/2021 - 02:03

"This particular cohort is for senior professional women and it’s by application only since it will be a small group of eight and starts January 26th for six weeks," read a correspondence from Jacqueline Wales recently when I was inquiring about an offering she had a zoom talk about which I missed.  About a decade ago, I got to meet her in Salisbury CT at the Wake Robin Inn event hosted by a local business group (was in the bank or non-profit, I'm not sure, but was well-attended.)

She has a book The Fearless Factor so find out more about why she is a savvy coach and business leader. I'll have to jog my memory (and may have the book but would likely do well to get another copy at this point.) Meanwhile I am diving into a program with David Shiang on getting a business up and running.

I tend to pour my heart into a good cause, helping someone or the occassional splurge of Going On An Awesome Trip like I did last year to Hawaii and The Southwest.

I am proud of myself for having the courage, vision and funds in advance to put to such a dream adventure, assuming I'd promote my blog and many great ideas along the way and learn more as well. All that came true plus I got to mix and mingle with about a thousand awesome people including Family, Friends, Folks for a week or More in their homes and at lovely events in Sedona AZ (thanks Gregg Braden for making the displays at your amazing event open to the public...) I saw the premier of HeartMath Experience and met dozens of wonderful people everywhere I went. Like being on a 'drug trip' only better since I wasn't on any drugs (legal or illegal...just a lot of positive energy.)

I am wondering if everyone could really take a moment in this  United States of A-Miracle and tune into that free movie (HeartMath Experience) and review some of my posts about my trip (or one of their own that was postiive) and realize we all have wonderful life stories to highlight and lean into...and to make choices that are more balanced with the evolving times and healing forces that many say are coming not only from most people, nature and the earth herself but many healing divine beings and forces from afar (such as the stars, planets and dimensions beyond our general awareness...)

I am noticing the word 'war' is in let's dissipate the difficult energy with the greater healing quality of listening to ourselves and others with our hearts...and trust we are all seeking inner peace which will then play out in the social and physical realms. 

Sounds about right, doesn't it? Plus we all have many loved ones and community members and others in spirit rooting for us very likely (and if not, that's not the end of the world..the memories and inspiration live on with quite the force and guiding inspiration.)

I have memories of my late son when he was only four years old heading to the Capitol building in Hartford CT with me since his dental appointment was not happening. We were eager to get his teeth tended to and even though it would take another visit or two, I decided he should have a special treat for braving the journey of an hour or so from our small towns.

We almost felt we were at Disney, entering the huge hall with all the gold and ornate features of the building. We found a statue of a female that had been on a ship or thereabouts and news about the Charter Oak.

He knew I was eager to map out ideas for everyone to feel included in the Acorns to Oaks Friends United Network (A-20 FUN) so we were making connections about how important the oak tree was to the establishment of CT. Everything felt historic and important to remember...and here I am almost 25 years later, feeling inspired to remember what it was like to see the world through my young son's eyes.

Turns out that by the time he was 16, a young man in his own right, eager to work six days a week to make a lot of money for himself the summer after his freshman year of high school, he would not live to see another day.

Tragically he passed away in the swift fierce waters at the base of huge waterfall as he was pushing his friend toward the shore. Even braving the waters and fighting to get to his friend took tremendous strength and determination which the rope rescuer said he couldn't imagine anyone feeling would be possible given the pounding water. Yet Kaelan was determined and fought with every ounce of his strong, lithe form, right after pulling two of his other friends from the current while finding a spot to reach out to them by hand while still on land.

Those two young men, one of whom became a father in his early twenties, and the other young man rescued by a rope rescuer lifting him up with him to a high point with the water pouring down fiercely on them, are all doing well at almost thirty years old now.

That was 11 years ago in June of 2009. I felt with all that's happening in our country in DC it would behoove people to consider the gift of life and the reason to fight for preserving life and using our democracy to make sense of our world from the personal to the political.

There is room for improvement on many fronts including in how districts are drawn, voting is done and much more, including individuals being open to learn to work with others for a sense of teamwork and belonging rather than individual rights trumping common sense and ways of getting along for the common good.

Some people have a mental illness or drug problem blurring their understanding of 'what's normal and nice' and turns interactions of off kilter and vice. Too many call what's wrong right and what's right their own point of view no matter what.

Somehow we have far more than the problem of COVID and condoning violence of protests...with more people jumping on the band wagon of taking out their stress or insisting on their own way or keeping the clique mentality alive and well whether in families, social circles over the years or in towns, states or countries. We could consider that UNIFEM is a part of the UN that realizes women the world over, in addition to birthing humanity, also helps heal and support people on a huge scale, no matter how little they have to work with.

Modern women are finding ways to be compensated for their abilties, caregiving and more, but the real world can set the bar ever higher and faster for all caregivers to understand their legal rights and responsibilities and be left without pay or recognition. That in turn can leave infants, children, teens and many adults without the connection and care to keep them in a community, safe and compliant with the laws.

Forming groups to take the place of a few caring adults watching over others would be practical right about now..and not that hard to do, particularly with agreed upon standards for supervising and checking in publicly (rather than in private homes and so on, such as safe church policies promote.)

Let's have support for each person for basics (including early and often checks for mental and dental health, wellness or illness of any kind and ways to get food, rides, education, work and other opportunities to interact and stay connected to meaningful social groups, faith or support groups, community and wider networks as well. That can dissipate the bullying and isolation that often takes root and factors into dire situations going downhill over time or even in a short period of time.

Thanks for tuning in to the needs of pets and local areas to provide added layers of awareness, phone and internet access and ways for visitors or people in transition to have housing, support (yes funds and foods as loans or part of programs to keep people feeling in the loop.) Work and volunteer groups could assist people of each age group, create networks and help more people use local resources such as libraries (or get free books if those are available, music and television and radio to stay involved.)

There are some local resources in our area through CATV6 which could be emulated in some way by people taking notes and reporting on their own local blogs and FB forums about what is happening, again such as Marshall Miles offers through some public FB pages and on Robinhood Radio, 103.3FM.

Thanks to all doing what they can to live and learn with support and be the hero of their own lives and as may play out to keep others safe or save their lives. If it's too risky the venture could cost the rescuer their life and the experts agree that is too high of a price to pay if one has a choice.

That could complicate a rescue or result in more fatalies or more role playing and training to help everyone know how to call for help with a type device one can take out in the world or a Life Line or Alert system as well as with a Cell Phone to call 9-1-1 (especially if one has cell service and the phone is charged) when planning to leave the house in one's car or on foot, bike or other means.

Being 'too prepared' is not a problem..not being prepared with basics could cost someone their life needlessly..then there are many other scenarios likely anyone could list if they haven't lived through or heard of people having. We need to keep those things in mind and try to intervene early and often in having things go out of control.

A person with an addiction or difficult personality or social issue, a legal matter such as a divorce, custody or break up or change can be devastating and should have a 24/7 hotline to help people find support.

There are mental health and suicide hotlines but naming the problem could help more people seek help early on. Same thing if someone is sick, suddenly facing an illness, having someone leave for medical help or is dying or gets a serious diagnosis..or actually dies. We need a huge outreach and response effort to help everyone plan for 'what if's' and help people (myself included) realize that denial is a natural mode to stay in to avoid the possibilities but does not solve problems.

With those in their 50s taking serious time (if not official classes that spell out options not only in their state but across the country to consider where they may fare better economically or otherwise for eventual retirement or pre-retirement...) then the decade could be one of great help to them before turning 60 when a '5 year look back' could happen at age 65 if medical issues or needs for nursing home come up.

Men particularly should be planning for 'all of the above' since they may live harder shorter lives... and women need to think about living with support for more decades, into their 80s perhaps, but again possibly with support from their 60s on up to not face dire situations suddenly and not have a safety net. Not easy but much more possible in this day of digital resources and networking...

Let's make the most of the time we have and  keep the good vibes growing strong for peace and harmony as the planets line up to make that more possible than ever before apparently. See other sites for more about that jazz and great resources to enjoy, many free and others for some bucks. I've done some of both and hope to share more soon about the good stuff to help lighten our collective load and inspire many.

For now, please check out the stories The Jewel Story (an audio) and The Turtle and The Acorn...and see the free links to trials of on this blog from a few weeks back. All very nice ways to remember to be creative, caring and capable as change occurs...and to stay in the flow of healing on all levels now and into our shared bright future if we dream that and make it so!