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Northwest Corner Chatter (the CT corner near Dutchess County NY and The Berkshires of MA) Now A Public Page, Thanks Brian Ohler for Keeping the Ball Rollin'

on Mon, 03/11/2019 - 14:09

Here's a post I put on the NWCorner Chatter page started by Brian Ohler of North Canaan CT...and enjoyed by 5K plus. Thanks for all who contribute to the bigger efforts and the everyday one too that keeps a town and area humming with positivity and pro-active responses and efforts. It's all much appreciated. All the best for a bright next part of 2019 (and a Happy St. Patrick's Day!)

Thanks for sharing the process...and monitoring of posts is not a picnic...I applaud your efforts and hope the best for the public status. I know things can get dicey. 

On my blog which has reached

The Nitty Gritty at What's Wrong With the City (that Denies Abuse and How to Prevent It or Address It, even in CPS or Courts)

on Mon, 03/11/2019 - 12:43

Sharing more info on about the upcoming Battered Mothers Custody Conference in Albany NY in April 2019...This important annual national event is full of wisdom For Our Times...and All Aspects of Society. Raising the bar of insights into laws, human rights, ways to Avoid these Situations (my hope to help clarify with more thinkers online and in groups around the country...) and much more...

So Stay Tuned and Thinlk Out Loud for Safety Planning and Implementing (stay with safe people and places, be careful even in cars and on trips, around tricky people of all kinds at home, in

Green New Deal Proposal Debated in the US Senate (on television too)

on Thu, 03/07/2019 - 14:53

When wanting to tune into what is going on in the 'real world', I turned on the television. The last person who watched it had it on C-SPAN2. Lucky me, I got the latest update...but not so lucky, the Climate Change Crisis is looming large, both the concerns and lack of discussion and proposals to address climate change.

More terms that I learned in Permaculture Basics (a 72-hour program over the course of 6 weekends in High Falls, NY --about 2 hours north of NYC-- under the tutelage of Ethan Roland of Appleseed Permaculture (PC.) My project for that program introduced basic ethics of PC of

Half of Female Fatalities due to Violence or Murder in the World Are Done by People who are "Family or Intimate Partners"

on Wed, 03/06/2019 - 14:48

With International Women's Day on March 8th annually, let's all take the first part of that day, and every day, to face this sobering fact...that Women and Children are at Grave Risk of Harm from Those they live with due to their gender and weaker position of physical stature (particularly children or if we can come up with a more empowering terms, those who have arrived on the planet with biological or other support from the people they live with or are adopted by or otherwise end up living with or interacting with.

Special People, rather than children, infants, kids or any other term that

A Cool Book Group or Personal Read: Riding the Wave of Change: Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for our World by Eve Wilson

on Tue, 03/05/2019 - 01:06

 From (Jan/Feb 2019 issue), I read an inteview with Eve Wilson about her book.I am always thinking of following up with the offers to get a book when it seems like 'an amazing way to think about our times and ways to address issues in our personal lives.' Much of what she said resonated with my growing sense that the ways our lives play out has more meaning than we are generally encouraged to consider. Thankfully I called to get a bit more information, and I was home a few days later to actually get her call.

She sounds like a wise, caring, insightful being.
