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Keeping the Good Visions Growing in Our Ever-Widening Harmonious Circles

on Wed, 05/08/2019 - 18:01
There are many ways to join together with long-time running events, such as Clear Water Festival in mid-June in Western NY, or Old Songs the last weekend of June, 2019. Falcon Ridge is nearby and usually kids attend for free (admission but you still have to feed them, so bring food or buy there...)
For those wanting to dip their toes in the land of an exciting Toastmasters Conference, no ticket is needed for a pre-conference social at the Desmond Hotel in Albany NY in mid-May.

Tending to the Garden of Our Heart and Wider Circles of Care and Community

on Wed, 05/08/2019 - 01:39

MAY: Miracles for All of us, Yes!

Such is a poster I made with some happy acorn people with big heart bodies for the month of May a while back. Thankfully I came across one in time to mark this month of May 2019. I've been hearing more about Lynn McTaggert's Power Of Eight circles of support to hold an intention for one person or a larger group intention (with specific measurable or somehow giving evidence) parameters. I learned more from a friend who led a small group in  the MA/NY CT area.

I will share more info as I get the okay from her to do so.

A Difficult Start to the Month of May..but One We Can Recover From Stronger Together

on Thu, 05/02/2019 - 17:17

 I am honored to share the news of the courageous loving soul, Ryan Howell, who successfully tackled the former student turned gunman, Trystan Andrew Terrell, though it cost him his mortal life on May 1st (Tuesday), 2019 in Charlotte NC, at UNC. I will reflect on this difficult turn of events that likely will speak to US All as graduations and the end of school draw near to 'proceed with caution' yet let love win in terms of 'doing the right thing.'

 That may mean not getting in a car or even a conversation with someone who is unbalanced, acting 'off their game' (maybe due to meds or a mix

Find Your Own Way to Celebrate May 5th (I'll tell you why for starters..)

on Thu, 04/25/2019 - 23:54

 So half awake I was recalling that May 5th is 'Buddha's Birthday". I read about him being born in the sign of Taurus in a book I happened to be thumbing through which I had gotten for free in a giveaway pile of  books.

The idea of recycing books may actually be one nice way to celebrate May 5th, which of course is also Cinco de Mayo.

Speaking of Celebrating Each Age with a Special Day....

on Sat, 04/20/2019 - 01:41

Hello to everyone at this time of reflection and renewal seasonally and for many traditions, spiritually. I saw a friend on FB wished herself a Happy Birthday to get the ball rolling since she wasn't sure if the FB reminders were on and so forth.

That took some courage and faith in friends to take the hint which plenty did pronto. Meanwhile, for some there's a desire to celebrate with others their age and could create more networks in meaningful ways.

That might include a 'by the decades' birthday as well, but for starters, turning ones age of two digits into a date is a simple way to
