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Feel What You Want, Use What You've Got, "With Love from Above Lovevolution" By Catherine Palmer Paton...Recently Inspired by Poetry is Music Event in N Canaan CT

on Sun, 07/28/2019 - 13:01

Country haven a bit of heaven

Kids spinning their way toward the stars

Round and round the lamp post like

Three living hands of a clock

People turning into Things Over Time

Under a spell on the stage of life

Dreaming, Waking, Sharing, Taking

Turns with Words, Deeds, Dreams

Figuring out Things Alone and Together

Fireworks Exploding into mini supernovas

Belly dancer shimmying

Bent over backwards

Rainbows igniting 

Billowy Storm Clouds Appearing

Three letters, minutes or people added

People challenging whitewater

Then suddenly Disappearing and 

Some reappearing, but not all 

Difficult Stuff but Why Not Join Together to Turn Sad Ships Around? See more on NW Corner Chatter on FB about positive events in the MA/NY CT tri-corner area too

on Fri, 07/26/2019 - 13:55

This post like most covers more than one topic (in case you are wondering whether I realize that, I do...and encourage more people to let themselves connect the dots of what they are learning about in these times and sharing insights or questions, concerns and possible solutions.)

 For most things that really need doing (and thinking though and imagining options for improving) 'it's no one's job.' Likely we've all heard of the 100 million dollars one of the wealthiest (moneywise) families wants to give CT for be matched by another 100 million over five years by the state.

Yes, I tuned into segments of the live Robert Mueller Reports. How About You?

on Wed, 07/24/2019 - 20:02

I will look forward to seeing what the referees and news reports say about the tennis match, I mean the Congressional questioning of Robert Mueller about the possible meddling of Trump or his team in the election process with the Russians.

There was a lot of back and forth, and important referencing to the Mueller Report. The basics are likely being summarized nicely by yahoo and the other news outlets. That's not what I focus on as much as pondering various points and questions that are worth noting.

I don't have time to do so, but I learned of concerns (yes, from both sides) about the 22

Jen McLean's Healing With the Masters Ongoing Support Mon and Wed (and replays) as well as a Special 10th Anniversary Weekend (online) Aug 2-4th, 2019

on Wed, 07/24/2019 - 13:21

Hello to many here (that I sent an email to and here in wider circles) and those you may forward this to...I realize many have said 'not interested' but then again sometimes there could be a willingness to consider what many others are learning about..and it can take a few months of sampling to comprehend the theory and basic practices of breathing, quieting the mind, tuning into 'possibilities' with integrity and care.

The more we are 'in the realm of energy, like having a dream and remembering a part of it, recalling significant times and insights...and 'allowing and considering updated

Goodnight to the homeless near and far, and the ones in a wheelchair or car...

on Wed, 07/24/2019 - 03:44

A friend sharing about not being able to help the homeless in Burlington VT more even as she is visiting her son in a 3rd floor apartment got me thinking of how many people I have talked to who were on or near being on the streets. No easy answers but plenty of important questions to ask and basics to consider. Promoting good food and hygiene, basic help with clothers and transportation would go a long way toward making some in roads. Breaking Ground in NYC sounds good as do many shelters, but most have their terms to meet.
