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Smiles and Shout Out to Shelly at Amazon: Thanks for helping me feel okay that I was not the only one without an account

on Mon, 06/29/2020 - 13:09

Starting Monday, June 29th, 2020 off with some VEN! (Very Exciting News!) Also just as cool is that I made a new friend, Shelly  at Yes, That Shelly without and 'e' before the last letter of her name...and a friendly disposition who patiently let me explain that I didn't know if I had an account from a few years ago or if I should go for Amazon Prime because what I mostly wanted was Kindle to read an Amazing Book that could change the world.

She said that we needed someone who could help the world right now and I let her in on a little secret..that Ali Storm is doing just that

Getting ready for the 4th of July 2020 With a Sense of New Hope and Vision (see the poem NY-CT-MA HOUSATONIC FRIENDS)

on Sun, 06/28/2020 - 13:23

Here is one of a few dozen poems and flyers I've shared in the past few decades. Sometimes it doesn't take much to make connections...Some would say the paper itself and any scribbles or simple drawings (such as the acorn, heart and star smiling faces that often were on the papers too) along with a little contact info is all it takes. What If you were to pick up a pen and paper today and 'see what comes along' with a prompt of the Acorns to Oaks theme, the month we're in, the times we're in...

 No one has to see it but if you'd like, feel free to share it with me anonymously or for credit on

The Phones Are Ringing from the folks and Outreach May be Helpful (even if annoying to many)

on Sat, 06/27/2020 - 14:06

As tricky as it is to have JWs and such... they have been a helpful model for showing us all that We Have the Freedom to do these things in this country...So let's not throw the JWs out with the bath water.

That said, we could all give a lot more thought to what every person would need potentially because Not Everyone Knows What they need, what's available, how to ask for help. what and who they will really get with some outreach of longterm outreach and interactions.

Sharing a Message in the Wind from One Heart and Home to Another the World Round

on Fri, 06/26/2020 - 22:18

NY-MA-CT HOUSATONIC FRIENDS ("Let's Keep A Good Thing Growing Around the World!") by Catherine Palmer Paton


National and global homes and hearts

You and All in a living web do your parts

Magical Mothers, Friendly Fathers

Awesome Adults, Super Sisters and Brothers 

Celebrate Community and

Trustworthy Teamwork by

Helping Each Other

Outside and In, to Listen and

Understand Each Other

Smile and Win, Growing from


NY's Alima's Cuisine Needs Support As Does Freedom for Her Abused Family Members

on Fri, 06/26/2020 - 20:09 is a link to a live zoom press conference with Alima Bonsa  of Burkina Faso of Africa.  At 18 years old and a virgin, she was sold to an American white man (which she'd never seen in her life), Allen Steck by the chief of the village and her uncle. 

He trafficked her family as well. He married her and had three children with her, raping and beating her up throughout the whole process. She was not allowed to escape. She had never seen something like this happening with a stranger.

Her family had agreed to sell her for money and at the
