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On NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt (on Wed. March 16th) and Info here on Kayden's Law

on Wed, 03/16/2022 - 23:17

Hello to All in the Arena of Parenting and Caring about the safety of children"

Let's make it common knowledge in rural America as well as the cities that  
Angels Are On the Side of Safety... Angelina Jolie is speaking up about angel Kayden who died as a child but is looming large in the laws now, making her lovely Mom Kathy Sherlock proud I'm sure of the love that never dies and her spirit that was always bigger than life. Hugs to Kathy and to all of Kayden's wonderful family and friends who have helped America take a giant step forward for safety for all children.

Now for Something Practical and Timely: CT Updating and Changing Some Exit Numbers to Comply With Federal Regulations

on Wed, 03/16/2022 - 13:46

Please see 'CT upgrading highway exit numbers' at

To get funding from the federal government, the standards to comply with are set and each state is considering ways to come into alignment with those if they want to continue to receive funding. The exit numbers may relate to mileage markers as well (somethnig to look into in the future...)

Best to all and keep lots of Driving Safety Tips in mind, some of which I share here on (and

Get Inspired Knowing Vassar Raised A Ton of Money With Many Participating (even with 5 Bucks!)

on Mon, 03/14/2022 - 15:41

Here's a Letter I shared with my Vassar College Class about their great team work in having more than 40 percent participate in a monthlong friendly fundraising competition among classes. We met the goal and some alums pitched in an extra 35K! That's generosity that may be hard to match with funds but not with spirit.

 Dear Nancy and Dream Team meeting the challenges!
This is incredible news! Thanks to this amazing team that led our class to the top (of reaching the goal if I've read all of this correctly.) 
So awesome and inspiring at this difficult time in the world.

What's The Pressing Issue In Your Life, World, Online or Certain Area of Interest or Need?

on Mon, 03/14/2022 - 15:32

Thanks for sharing and applying these ideas to other forums in your family, school (including alum and form a group on FB to keep folks together over the years from that and clubs etc.) Practical needs for every town and non-profit, business and again family and person to 'PLAN Ahead' and for Back Up  PLANS to help keep track of official rules and requirements (to be in a relationship, with legal parameters and the laws pertaining to interactions with those one knows or in a business or other setting, or in public etc) as well as JOB Requirements (what can get one fired, not rehired, skilled

Sharing with the Wider World About A Widespread Problem and Need...Keeping Community Strong and Clubs Intact

on Mon, 03/14/2022 - 15:16
If it's okay to share here...I am trying to figure out the 'theories, nuts and bolts' about keeping a club going that's been in the Southern Berkshires of MA for 25 years and has had a hundred or more members over that time.
I have been a member for many years and hope to learn more about ways the overall organization could lend more guidance and support to help all members know what it takes to transition competently (even to just zoom meetings.)
I feel this is something more states, towns, schools and faith and other clubs and groups would be wise to look into in terms of
