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Get Inspired Knowing Vassar Raised A Ton of Money With Many Participating (even with 5 Bucks!)

on Mon, 03/14/2022 - 15:41

Here's a Letter I shared with my Vassar College Class about their great team work in having more than 40 percent participate in a monthlong friendly fundraising competition among classes. We met the goal and some alums pitched in an extra 35K! That's generosity that may be hard to match with funds but not with spirit.

 Dear Nancy and Dream Team meeting the challenges!
This is incredible news! Thanks to this amazing team that led our class to the top (of reaching the goal if I've read all of this correctly.) 
So awesome and inspiring at this difficult time in the world. So powerful to help the greater world know there are eternal optimists with talent and grit, bucks and brains wanting to make the world a more sustainable, sensible and sensational place.
 HugEnergy All Around to the Class, College and Community (and Bears which we have in our area and I'm sure aren't too far from campus either...) So bear hugs with the big love that powers us through such times and keeps the good efforts growing! 
Peace, prosperity and promising times to all, Catherine (grateful to have had a glimpse into what it takes and know that savvy, steadfast folks were doing the heavy lifting...I hope to help more in the future!)

PS Everyone can care about themselves and others in balanced ways and as we are seeing in Ukraine it's an important part of the secret sauce to keep people inspired and devoted to ideals of human rights and fair play. CT Senator Blumenthal has stated that Russia has violated international standards for war, risking, harming and claiming lives that are not acceptable. He is promoting the idea of a stronger offense and protection of their air space.

These are the serious ideas and issues of our times. Having the heart to listen is the first step to being willing to 'hear, think and work together' to find solutions. It's rather easy to give money to a cause one has ties to (even small amounts or of something less involved than one's school or community, but it all adds up and connects to how we show up as world citizens.)

Thanks for all everyone is doing to be a good, fair and kind team player in this game of LIFE! Best to all and let's keep the talks going...whether we agree or not, the ideas can be evaluated. I looked up the Andrew Klavan show and realize I have known him for a few decades now...and hope to reconnect and see what we might find to address, both being in the 'talk if over' section of hope you feel you are plugged into the concerns and people that you can work with amicably with the greater gooe in mind as well!