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A Letter to the Editor To Increase Shared Safety PLANS and Advocacy

on Sun, 04/14/2019 - 02:00
Supporting victims key to healthy society
The recent tragic loss of a family of five to apparent murder-suicide committed by the legal father and husband figure in Sheffield MA has many grieving and our society needing to address next steps to recover and strengthen community. 
The need to know more about mental health and safety in relationships of all kinds is clear if not dire.

Thinking About What Ifs on tough topics...including teens going missing on their own (missing people in general)

on Sat, 04/13/2019 - 21:58

Thank you for sharing this

. It is a reminder to everyone to be more careful with where they are going and with whom in general. There are many theories about 'why terrible stuff happens' beyond what we hear in the basic public forum... and even how we can know.

Psychics may have some insights and then there is the overall theories of Edgar Cayce and many other traditions that pose that we have many lifetimes and ways to 'craft our life lessons and journeys' beyond what we may be conscious of when we are living them.

News about Clinton Hill Co-ops but 1st:April 11th is Sri Chinmoy's birthdate which is a time of 1000 from around the world gathering at a gentle concert in NYCInspiring talks for free online...Laurie Moore, Eve Wilson, and one from NICABM for starters

on Thu, 04/11/2019 - 02:32

.A quick shout out to people playing music in the subways (some from NYC sponsored musicians)  which warms the experience of hustle and bustle. Sometimes I dance along.  I have time to chat with the musicians a bit and really feel we could do more to support their efforts. Hundreds of people streaming by and even pitching them funds doesn't necessarily add up to what they need for rent! Maybe more accounts could be orchestrated for those showing up and sharing their talents. 

Meanwhile the lovely annual event to appreciate the life long work of Sri Chinmoy which  I learned about

Doing a Little Homework about the Pivotal BMCC (Battered Mothers Custody Conference) at the end of April 2019 in Albany NY, check out their site

on Fri, 04/05/2019 - 03:11
There are about ten slide presentations on BMCC's site to help people get a sense of what the BMCC has accomplished in the past 13 years. The legacy of abuse before and during custody battles (which comprise less than 10% of custody cases) and the challenge to get justice for victims of abuse is one of those 'never-ending stories'. Get inspired by
And then head on over to the site for BMCC sure is making strides to enlighten our culture through their growing advocacy and networks.

A Few Deep Breaths and Considerations about The Tragedies That Befall Some (and Affect their Communities Far and Wide)

on Wed, 04/03/2019 - 15:14

Dear Northwest Corner of CT, and Tri-Corner MA/NY/ CT Residents and Visitors, 
Our area has sadly been through the difficult unexpected violent loss of five people. Apparently one disturbed (and possibly depressed) man took the lives of his legal wife and their biological children in mid March of 2019. Many courageous volunteer rescue workers and police responded professionally, skillfully and compassionately.

The entire Sheffield MA community, particularly the local school and neighborhood of the amazing talented and caring mother and the twin 7-year old children who attended and their
