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Thanks to Towns & Villages (setting a good example) from Lakeville Journal CT newspaper and to Trade Secrets Fundraiser for Women's Support Services in Sharon CT

on Sat, 05/18/2019 - 01:12

May means many things starting to grow and 'summer season' resources and events happening. In the NWCT area that includes a special publication from the Lakeville Journal called Towns & Villages. I recall sharing a request with a former editor for that kind of publication to list all the area town information in one place that could be kept handy year-round.

I learned today that someone who did something similar in the past for the CT coastal towns was the one who officially got that ball rolling or did the format.

Tough topics, but one on the news in a timely way... To think about pregnancy and unintended or unwanted pregnancies or not... that's a big first part of the question

on Wed, 05/15/2019 - 17:03

This difficult topic needs discussion on all levels by all people... so I am sharing this to get more people up to speed on the challenges people are facing in many areas of their lives.. Unintended pregnancies account for many pregnancies..Ideally every community would make birth control available to all of their young people and screen everyone for safety so women are not being pressured into staying in relationships or having intimacy or sex (the two are not the same in many cases) more than they really feel they can, really want or can figure out.

There is a lot to learn from the

Being Kind to Kids, Pets, People of All Walks of Life Always in Style: Inspiring Songs too from Neda Boin (who I heard last night at Crystal Essence in Great Barrington MA)

on Fri, 05/10/2019 - 22:11

Here's a post I wrote on the Northwest Corner Chatter page (which is now a public forum still related to things in the NWCT area which is rural and part of the Housatonic River Community. ) We could call it the "Housatonice" or Who's A Ton Nice? area... Volunteers and families of many sizes and configurations keep the small communities going even with housing and cost of living prices going up, up and ...up some more as is the case in many areas (Brooklyn NY comes to mind as more urban areas and overall our US of All.)

So an old-fashioned poster promoting doing a kind act toward animals

Finding Solutions and Ways to Prevent Danger of All Kinds (and still have a Great Life)

on Thu, 05/09/2019 - 20:23
Dear Community and State Leaders and People from All Walks of Life Working toward A Healthier, Safer World:
Please help share this valuable resource (Family and Intimate Partner Violence Quarterly online from the Civic Research Institute, on sale now, May 2019) with those in your national and state if not international circles. There will be a Blue Bloods Television episode about sexual assault on this Saturday, May 11th at 9am (ION station.) 
There are other important resources at (and I have two books edited by Barry Goldstein on DV I can share with those

Keys to Caring for Ourselves from Head to Toe and Personal Space Plus

on Thu, 05/09/2019 - 14:55

While there are 'ten thousand things' in the universe to be aware of, we each come packaged in one bodily unit (for the most part and kudos to those conjoined twins who keep us all aware of the possibilities in life and the idea of sticking with someone 'through thick and thin.' As I recall the pair of brothers who were called the Siamese Twins led full lives, each having a family even.

Sadly back in their time they didn't realize a relatively simple surgery would have allowed them to be disconnected.When one died, the other waited it out until he perished.
