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Enjoying the Penultimate Day of December and 2019 (Dec. 30th)

on Tue, 12/31/2019 - 00:50

While I haven't been feeling tip top in the tummy department, I found a chart from about Birth Angels. I took a few minutes to share with people in my circles how their birth angels lined up with each other. I took a program with Terah Cox on the system and read through the Birth Angels book (which I hope to find my copy of soon as well.)

I found other correlations among others in my family and friend circles. The day felt more charmed than what the weather reports and thundering icy rain was delivering.

Snow Being Days on the 8s of each Month (since an 8 looks like a snow person)

on Mon, 12/30/2019 - 03:50

I don't want to forget this inspiring idea to make a special day of the "8"s each month. I shared the idea with a 9 year old gal and she thought it would make sense to have a special time of Snow Person or Snow Being Days from the 8th to the 16th! I liked that she chimed right in with what sounded special to her...and that 16 is indeed 8+8. That led to thinking about having the 24th (8+8+8) and then the other days with an 8 in the date, such as 18 and 28.

I was asking about doing something 'every 28 days' (leaning into the flexibility and inspiration of the final 8 in 28. That had a

Coming Into 2020 With Hearts Aglow, Remembering Loved Ones, Seeking Healing and Dreaming of A Bright 2020 and Next Decade

on Sat, 12/28/2019 - 12:55
With the idea of many people connecting to make a difference gaining ground to save forums online and in print journalism, non-profits to serve spiritual, cultural, educational and many other needs and services, I would like to share some verses that I have posted over the years. I hope to list more of them on soon and welcome input for ideas to share on that forum. 
Hats off to all online and print publications,radio and community television,
groups and gatherings seeking to create meaningful, uplifting community
in 2020 and for decades to come! 
I am sharing this also to reflect

Brainstorming About Safety on All Fronts (and Some Fun too) as 2019 Wraps Up and 2020 Begins Big Time!

on Sat, 12/28/2019 - 00:07

When looking to see what's going on in one's area, check local papers and listings online and tune into one's local radio station. In the northwest corner of CT that's WQQQ, 103.3 FM, home of the smallest NPR (National Public Radio station in the country, so worth learning about and hearing Marshall Miles who mostly brings smiles to folks but he's not afraid to point out a few things that need fixin' on his own time too.)  Hats off to all bloggers, podcasters and radio DJs keeping people in the know and feeling connected with their area and bigger issues too.

To take A Picture of Someone in a Parade or Not? A Prompt for This Deep Dive from a Northwest Corner Chatter topic Dec.23rd,2019

on Mon, 12/23/2019 - 15:07
This is a helpful discussion that I'll put on more people with concerns could wear eye masks and then let their friends know who they are later (or before for family etc.) Likely more of a disclaimer needs to be made to all before joining the parade...Maybe they can help in other ways, don costumes that hide them and so forth.
I'll mention on my blog and I have hashed these kinds of things out for many years, long before the internet...about holidays in public schools and so on.
