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Enjoying the Penultimate Day of December and 2019 (Dec. 30th)

on Tue, 12/31/2019 - 00:50

While I haven't been feeling tip top in the tummy department, I found a chart from about Birth Angels. I took a few minutes to share with people in my circles how their birth angels lined up with each other. I took a program with Terah Cox on the system and read through the Birth Angels book (which I hope to find my copy of soon as well.)

I found other correlations among others in my family and friend circles. The day felt more charmed than what the weather reports and thundering icy rain was delivering. I heard of close calls with black ice or someone almost getting nixed by a car hugging the corner it was going around.

What a blessing the driver was able to stop after actually seeing someone who was looking down (with their rain hood over their eyes, and maybe on the phone...) I am realizing that whether driving or walking, listening is extra helpful (with a window rolled down and a pause before pulling out of a driveway or road, even where there's a fairly clear view.

Cars can come speeding along (sometimes passing another car for instance) or be approaching when checking in the opposite direction. That's where consciously listening or encouraging other riders to 'say something if they see something...and to be on the LOOK OUT, so they won't have to say '"LOOK OUT!" Likely a mature driver should be able to say "STOP", or "GO" or "SLOW DOWN" rather than just look out .If there is an animal or person, mention that too after the main alert. 

Okay so I wanted to focus on the poaitive. I am hearing a movie from I also hear talks by Geozuwa who has shared this day is a special day with a good frequency. I may share some highlights after I hear the replay since I missed signing up before it started...oops. It started a half hour earlier than usual..but the replay will be cool to. Also Judy Satori and many others offer ways to tune into what's going on in the world energetically. Crystal Essence in Great Barrington MA and Kripalu in Lenox MA as well as Omega in Rhinebeck NY have programs and resources to consider one's life in a new light. 

Meanwhile the political scene is heating up with the Iowa Caucus coming up before long. On January 4th, 2019, Ralph Nader will be having a book signing at The Winsted Bookstore and release his latest book. That is Fake President: Decoding Trump's Gaslighting, Corruption and Bullsh*t. That's from 1-2pm at 414 Main Street in Winsted CT. The book needs to be purchased for about $20 for that event.

Let's tune into the possibilities for our better nature to take the lead and disconnect the corporate takeover of our country, nature and the world... Let's End Citizen's United (the misnomre that actually nullifies regular people's impact in politics and the world.) We've been too complicit, particularly as women and as young people.

There need to be more youth activists who are over 18 or 21 to get their needs recognized. We expect that youth will have a will and way to care for elders even as we dismiss key points that Marianne Williamson and many other Democratic advocates would hopefully carry forward with clarity, creativity and kindness. Thanks for leaning in that direction for a brighter wiser future in the wise new decade that is being ushered in over the next 28 hours...counting down to a Terrific, Tree-mend-us Twenty-Twenty or 2020!