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Not to Depress Folks Even More, But Corona Virus is Not the Only Worry for Parents Who Need to Vaccinate

on Thu, 04/02/2020 - 02:17

Not an easy topic, but as long as we are all talking about science and whose being honest and giving accurate information in a timely manner..let's consider what this doctor has to say, 'based on science and lack of studies showing vaccines are safe'. He shares that aluminum and emulsifiers (such as sorbitol which is fat and water soluble) is used to bind with the vaccine antigens to get them to cross the blood-brain barrier. See this talk by Dr. Frank Palevsky

 Once the aluminum nanoparticles are in the brain (attached tightly to the antigens) then it can affect has Sandra Ingerman giving a talk soon (Shamanic info)

on Wed, 04/01/2020 - 15:09

Time to learn about healing traditions the world over, especially to consider not only 'mind over matter' but how one's life force may need reclaiming from trauma (called 'soul retrieval" ) See or for the latest program offered by Sandra Ingerman and many programs they offer, some at reduced rates or free.

 Sandra is well-known and respected in this field.The idea of 'journeying' is not one to be done just for fun and some discourage getting it since one may get 'lost in the journey' and not return as intact and well as before.

Before Corona (BC), During Corona (DC) and After Corona (AC) with Care and Creativity online and in life!

on Wed, 04/01/2020 - 13:34

Let's make a huge splash with as a response to this 'can't do corona-cancelled stage'...getting creativity and claiming your space on the stage of life, personally and professionally (and somewhere in-between) will help us pull through.

What about having more caregiving creatives share this tips and create huge waves of volunteers to fill in niches and ease the burdens of all on the front lines... and creatively re-think how they can have support too such as More Pay for Fewer Hours (working half-time for the same pay or getting loans and so on...)

I will explore more of that on

Bidding Those Crossing Over a Loving Farewell..and Encouraging Each Other In These Difficult Days

on Wed, 04/01/2020 - 02:50

 As sadly may be the case in every state hearing of corona virus complications and fatalities, with every life deserving respect and care not only from family and friends but much wider circles since this is a national and global crisis, let's light a candle and share a moment of silence with deep thanks for all of those who have walked the earth in love and seeking justice and healing.

Taking a  reflective walk outdoors, looking at the birds and listening to the sounds of nature in the early morning, during the day and in the evening and even night can be soothing...and remind us we are all

Time for healing from all traditions and cultures to be part of our shared medicine for our hearts, minds and souls..

on Tue, 03/31/2020 - 20:18 is the second video that I am hearing from Nahko Bear Music... I appreciate that there is piano featured along with words to remember our brothers and sisters..and be there for one another as was the plan...Let's Remember and Heal for the New Times of Our LIves are Unfolding as We Listen and Transform.
