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Dr. Simone Gold of Front Line Doctors Against COVID Vaccine (especially if forced)

on Mon, 03/15/2021 - 15:29

Dr. Simone Gold ( @SimoneGold) says people 'must get ahead of executives' in airlines, has a petition that needs one million signatures to prevent banning people from travelling on airplanes or working in certain industires (bring the matter for Unions to advocate for workers to not have things forced on them..for pilots, teachers and so on. Phrase this as a human rights issue to not take experimental agent such as Covid 19 (Wuhan or corona virus...) She asserts that on and the prior site has extensive information.

A Warning From 2020 About COVID That Can Inform People Still in 2021...Sharing a post from Italy 3/11/20

on Mon, 03/15/2021 - 03:06
From a friend's FB recent post about Last Year, but encouraging everyone to take this message to heart and acknowledge that COVID is super serious and our systems were not able to prevent or contain the numbers...Sent to me by a friend, who asked me to share: Date: March 11, 2020 at 8:13:16 PM EDT
"I am writing to you from Bergamo, Italy, at the heart of the coronavirus crisis. The news media in the US has not captured the severity of what is happening here.

Starting Waves of Support on All Levels...Visionary, Practical and Personal Connections too (well FB has that mainly covered but worth growing circles)

on Mon, 03/15/2021 - 00:11
After hearing online a story told by Dan Clark, a motivational speaker, about a time Katharine Hepburn's father donated $20 to a family with 8 kids so they could attend  a circus event (and by default not having the funds for Katharine and him to go,) I shared the following...(Now I'm going to hear Billie Eilish sing live on TV...Everything I Wanted...)
A couple of years ago I got a deal on a set of Big Apple Circus Tickets. I thought I'd have takers to sell some to offset my investment which did benefit the Berkshire Waldorf School in MA.
As the time drew closer, I realized I had more

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo... Being Asked to Step Down. For reference, consider my post about Pres-elect Joe Biden, Jr...

on Sat, 03/13/2021 - 01:15

The major networks are declaring that NY Democratic Senators and Representatives are insisting NY Governor Cuomo resign due to six people, all women, saying he sexually harassed or assaulted them. The year is 2021 and the more recent report of an assault was last year.

That woman came forward after hearing him emphatically publicly assert that he had never touched someone inappropriately (intentionally...) She told someone in a position of authority, relaying that he called her to his office on official business and closed a door in an office.

On Your Mark Get Set for March Miracles and Magic! A few tips from here and there to boost your own efforts and dreams...

on Fri, 03/12/2021 - 16:08
I overheard someone watching and heard about a special version of a Bible with helpful resources and modern language. I know many may prefer not to call it a Bible since part of it says "don't add or subtract anything from it." I don't know all the details but check it out in terms of the guide part that may be in addition to the actual summary of the chapters in modern English. So the Code is H226-286 and there's a payment plan of about 10/ month for 4 months. 
Women may want to learn about who have a guest speaker and many amazing women sharing in 30 sec intros 
