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Starting Waves of Support on All Levels...Visionary, Practical and Personal Connections too (well FB has that mainly covered but worth growing circles)

on Mon, 03/15/2021 - 00:11
After hearing online a story told by Dan Clark, a motivational speaker, about a time Katharine Hepburn's father donated $20 to a family with 8 kids so they could attend  a circus event (and by default not having the funds for Katharine and him to go,) I shared the following...(Now I'm going to hear Billie Eilish sing live on TV...Everything I Wanted...)
A couple of years ago I got a deal on a set of Big Apple Circus Tickets. I thought I'd have takers to sell some to offset my investment which did benefit the Berkshire Waldorf School in MA.
As the time drew closer, I realized I had more tickets than I needed so gave two away, to someone who was very grateful in the Brooklyn area.
I got to meet them at the event and got some others to go who were reluctant at first. I also upped my skills as a caregiver toting a sleeping 3 year old in an umbrella stroller to the event in the pouring rain after a subway ride and waiting in a deli for an hour.
Good think I didn't know I'd be doing all that...I would have chickened out but in the end.. all making it rather worthwhile. My friend Suzanne of was able to attend with me so that was a treat to meet for something so entertaining!
The tremendous circus performers on bicycles on high wires, on trapeze, with feats of strength and good humor served as great memory after COVID cancelled such times. I spoke on WSBS in MA about my blog and adventures using a photo taken in their Big Tent hall which featured another area to see clowns and stilt-walkers up close too.
I recall buying someone a ticket to a great dance troupe or thereabouts back in college in the 1980s when they were stumped by the price. Someone treated me to a show (well gave me money to do something for one holiday...and I went to The Warner Theatre and ended up ushering there for the next decade!)
I share lots of my experiences on to help pass along the dreams, teams and even 'schemes' to remind us a lot can happen we might not think can. In terms of other goodies I got at a silent auction that I thought I could recoup some funds from or at least use, that didn't work out so well.
That would be another arena to shed more light on in terms of 'not forgetting or losing or allowing COVID type problems to spoil the offers..."
I am hoping I will find a way but at least the school got their support...and I would like to talk with a group that would be interested in helping keep track of such things and maybe pitch in to help figure out back up plans.
Someone else had to pay a 12K fine for instance for not having workman's comp on a household employee for 12 days.
So that's the kind of Heads Up for everyone with homecare for children, elders or others who need care to do their homework and get a payroll accountant or program (possibly something like to help meet legal and financial requirements in advance.
Helping seniors or others plan to protect assets also deserves a full court press effort from all parts of society so no one goes through sudden or even more gradual downturns with little or no support.
There are not enough advocates for each and every person, so let's make that the new cool thing to work on and volunteer for as we can... locally and in each state and country.
Dignity and care is worth working for together with style and a smile... a bit like that $20 dollar gift Kat