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On Your Mark Get Set for March Miracles and Magic! A few tips from here and there to boost your own efforts and dreams...

on Fri, 03/12/2021 - 16:08
I overheard someone watching and heard about a special version of a Bible with helpful resources and modern language. I know many may prefer not to call it a Bible since part of it says "don't add or subtract anything from it." I don't know all the details but check it out in terms of the guide part that may be in addition to the actual summary of the chapters in modern English. So the Code is H226-286 and there's a payment plan of about 10/ month for 4 months. 
Women may want to learn about who have a guest speaker and many amazing women sharing in 30 sec intros  and time in break-out rooms to share for another 1-2 min as well as a way to learn about Clubhouse app on iphone or ipad Apple products only at this time. An invite is needed to join from a member. Those can be extended only a few at a time and it's important to not 'waste them' on someone who doesn't have an iphone or ipad and with the accurate phone number and commitment they would use it. 
Judy Foster is the head of the forum (which is only $29 to join currently but the price may go way up soon... and about 10/month to go to a meeting or hear replays.) She does more coaching to help people learn about Clubhouse which is like talk radio but some rooms are open to people sharing with Instagram and Twitter etc. She has a separate FB Page to help people learn.
Members sometimes give free trials or other perks. The main speaker also has amazing offers and great info. The latest was Sharon Lechter sharing her Refire Your Life program at a steal, so join the group today and get the discount pronto! I am tempted to do it so stay tuned and I'll let you know how it goes. If you'd like to support me in these endeavors I would Really Appreciate it and have done quite a few that are really spurring me on to dream and team up bigtime! You can contribute to my efforts at
In terms of networking, maybe all women in Toastmasters and Rotary  (and
in general...) would be interested in learning about that and find more support for enriching their other clubs etc.
Also in the Berkshires there is 'Walking Our Talk' and that's also for women and is bigger commitment of time but part of a larger network of women who have been in circles and networking in that area but now it's on zoom so more can join in... 
All very interesting and helpful. Let the miracles and magic begin and continue in all directions. Best to everyone who is getting funds from the latest stimulus package to write things down, talk things over and plan to make it benefit all family members..starting with savings and such for each child (an allowance of however old they are weekly or monthly even, with a spending plan or budget to help each know how to save some, share some and spend some... with a written record in a notebook or at least on the calendar and a safe place to save the funds (wallet, pouch and in a safe place.) Also have each person initial or give a receipt of funds exchanged so people feel clear about what is happening over time. Lots of tips and the game CashFlow along with the books Rich Dad, Poor Dad and Think and Grow Rich/ for Women by Sharon Lechter who has a new book out as an ebook Exit Rich (with the hard copy out in June) encourages people to have many streams of income...ahhh a refreshing idea think of planting seeds to grow businesses. I hope people can learn some basic resources and pointers here and I'll plunk more in soon... Best to all in your growing endeavors now and forever on a ll levels for more love and peace to flow in our hearts and world. The two are closely related! Like Billie Eilish and her filial brother Finnias. Here's a bit more about their sibling relationship but choice of different surnames (last names...) 

"Billie's full name is Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell, but she chose to use one of her middle names as her stage name while Finneas kept his as 'O'Connell'.

If you're wondering where the name 'Eilish' comes from, the family are of Irish and Scottish descent and 'Eilish' is the Gaelic translation of Elizabeth."( from radio station 95-106 Capital AM in the UK) Janet Attwood is a big fan of Billie's and today I heard her song "Everything I Wanted" about how it took a Lot to get that song birthed over the course of six months and world tours and change of heart from feeling down in the dumps to having hope with her brother and her recognizing how they pull each other through dark times... So lots to learn.

Now I heard on ABC that she's up for awards along with Taylor Swift. Muchos kudos to all who keep it going..and recreating themselves and their businesses to get credit for intellectual and creative works. It's something I'm thinking about now and then along with Saving the World and Helping Many Feel Acknowledged and Capable of Getting Support from online and other resources in these pandemic and challenging times... Let's turn those into Learning Opportunities to Network Big Time Like Never though our lives (not just our livelihoods) depend upon it! (Since by many accounts they pretty much do!)