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On my 3rd Climate Action Workshop with about 120 Others On Zoom, Stay Tuned!

on Sat, 04/10/2021 - 19:27

Since I marked it on my calendar I was ready to open the zoom link for the 3rd talk on becoming a Climate Activist... Lots of great points covered even for running a group today that can pertain to many areas.

All free and so needed, as one person Nan H shared, "There is no Planet B!"  (That was their reason for joining the cause...and many others put more in the chat to be engaged along the way from introductions such as the land they live on in connection with the historical heritage from Native people' honor that the land was taken from those who

Join in the Love of Learning, Healing and Growing In Community Forums with Past Zoom Meetings! Easy Peasy Access!

on Sat, 04/10/2021 - 18:01

Here is the link to the DM Hunt Library (in Falls Village CT 06031) past Zoom presentations in case you missed the date that they oringinally took place:

 See more on Scoville Library of Salisbury CT also and More! Such as and other libraries and resources from other posts...

Try to summarize what you learn with others and I do so here as I can also on and share insights along the way...Don't Miss Out and Do Pace Yourself with Screen Time, Gardening and Getting things done..any of them can become an

Wake Up While You Rest and Gently Move (just the littlest bit) with (and more as you grow in comfort)

on Mon, 04/05/2021 - 12:42

I started this Monday, April 5th, 2021 by helping others..delivering goodies to kids to brighten their week with playful spring clothes and a few toys for this time of year and books for the imagination from the alphabet with a fairy tale set of verses for them to rehearse and maybe put on a show whether acting out Puss 'n Boots (as the Grumbling Gryphons Director Leslie Elias has done with her own special flair for The Cornwall Talent Show in CT) or nursery rhymes like Little Miss Muffet..That said, to ease into one's body check out by Kim Kaufman with a gentle morning

So Much to Share but a Title is Needed Here to 'Pass Go and Post!"

on Sun, 04/04/2021 - 13:21
Hello to All on this first Sunday of April..the time of Passover and of Easter today following Good Friday and Maundy Thursday (the Last Supper when events unfolded leading to Jesus being put to death on a cross.
