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So Much to Share but a Title is Needed Here to 'Pass Go and Post!"

on Sun, 04/04/2021 - 13:21
Hello to All on this first Sunday of April..the time of Passover and of Easter today following Good Friday and Maundy Thursday (the Last Supper when events unfolded leading to Jesus being put to death on a cross. The stations of the cross are shared in the Catholic and other churches to depict the unfolding of those events and to help people connect with the struggles of this world and need for healing of hearts and minds.I hope everyone finds time for rest and renewal as well as fellowship with others and time to reflect on our shared journey as caring, creative community members, with a sense of support and justice for all.
Attached to this post is a memory about births almost three decades ago.. the post is from 8 years ago...and I was seeing this after sharing other stories of 'renewal and saving profound moments and much more..."
This is also the time in Tibetan culture when all souls that didn't yet reincarnate from the prior year do so (on April 1st...talks about the importance of timing and not missing the boat...)
Then with Passover from thousands of years ago and movies like The Ten Commandments airing and likely other Easter Stories people are tuning into our collective laws and history and much of our culture and times ...the good, difficult and important to address with respect as moving into times of greater healing and networking. I put a lot on my blog and will add some summaries of miracle saves I have heard of and know about more first hand...
Especially when driving which can be a kind of 'between two worlds' experience...going fast and being in a vehicle..not just sitting in one (although even that can have some perils especially if in a storm and branches can fall...that kind of freak thing which as Edgar Cayce and others say may be part of some greater 'balancing or karmic kind of equation...'
The theory is worth learning about and allowing some space for. It may relate to the message some believe that Jesus dying for others was a mystical way of opening up a healing path and allowing more people to connect spiritually. As the telling goes, Jesus asks for the path not to be completed if not necessary...but leaves it up to his Heavenly Spiritual Father..that his will be done, so Jesus accepts the 'cup and difficult path of transition under torment and accusation.'
This particular year with the pandemic the messages and teachings from many traditions can provide an impetus to look at life through a healing lens for deeper meanings and important What If scenarios..
.What if we are energetic beings wearing physical forms and all 'great actors on the stage of life' whether we know whose writing the script or not...when awake and even when asleep.
And how much do our heartfelt intentions play into how things unfold in our lives when everyone has free their intentions and efforts are also factoring into the mix?
How can we map out friendly guidelines to help others on any given day or in their respective communities or social circles even well as in real life..
Well with all of these kinds of questions part of the springtime reflections, the answers may emerge like seedlings from the ground... when we are outdoors tuning into what's up and going on all around us, with our plant, tree and animal friends as well as other people we may intuit much more than we would without having 'taken a moment'...and that word "mom' in moment may remind us to nurture ourselves and accept all of our feelings and ideas even as we can choose to focus more on the positive and insights that come out way rather than on the drama and trauma..which often make the headlines and imprint our lives..
Let's say in flow as my friends at and many other resources on promote... Peace,love and light as this time of year is all about shining bright so every little thing will be much as it can be... Catherine and friends from many realms...
A special birthday greeting to all born during the Easter season and other times of special recognition such as Passover when the Jewish people did not suffer the loss of the first born sons of their families and flocks if they painted 'the blood of the lamb' on their door frames so the spirit of death would know to 'pass over' those if I am recalling things correctly.
Also a great time in the Tibetan culture for souls from the prior year to reincarnate on April 1st, no foolin', if they had not done so on the same day of death or on the 49th day after or on a cycle of that duration. Lots to learn and appreciate as we welcome spring and new people onto planet heart. A former teacher Howard Reed came to my mind due to a story of a bus driver telling me about old times...and also recounting a miracle save of a bus having to turn into a driveway quickly to avoid getting in an accident a few decades ago. None hurt but the bus did tip over!
Other tales that came to mind were of a family going to a big event together and someone staying right behind the driver in their seat to make sure he was aware of surprising stop signs and also a big steep curving hill. All much appreciated and helped keep the good times going. Other 'miracle saves' were about waiting before crossing in traffic with passengers where there was a poor sight line and a car was coming quickly from that area. Thanks to the angels and others at work at each part of our journey..and that seems the case even at high speeds and with odds against us.
No need to overloook what we can do to prepare for safey and plan on more support than not for all who are celebrating a graduation, wedding, new family member or baby of their own, transitioning and even living with wisdom to have a support person teams stationed in more parking lots which people could summon for help with groceries (maybe curbside loading of those so there is safey and camera security...and so on) Also watching out for pets or people who are sitting in cars (elders or kids who may be of age..but really may still be vulnerable to someone approaching them for money or other concerns.)
Thanks to all for planning for safety as teams in a community and realizing those passing through the area need to have basic needs of using bathrooms, getting food and water (hopefully having brought basics along and even extra clothes or blankets and rain gear and empty large yogurt containers should someone need to use those if caught in traffic etc.) Never good to be prepared but still open to the sense of give and take in life on all levels...not insisting on one's own way for in terms of being difficult or unreasonable.
Being willing to talk with a counselor 'in the light of day' so any issue can be addressed with helpful guidance makse practical and heartwarming sense. Finding a middle ground and reviewing overall goals can be helpful for any household, family, social group or larger community.
Being creative and mindful of laws and even changes that may need to be made are all part of the big game of life and learning which may be the overall point of life (and impactful on how things go for others in one's circles and for oneself after a life journey finishes up..) Thanks for all everyone is doing..and here's to a wonderful next part of the year.
The other posts on this are in chronological order, so like an Easter egg hunt you can peek at past pages from the bottom of the blog and discover what was going on in the NWCT and even some in Brooklyn NY (and in my heart and mind) at previous seasons over the years.
Best to all now here's the Post from April 3, 2013
"Sometimes I remember, sometimes I forget, you wanna do something wonderful takes a little gracefulness. It takes a little quiet, it takes a little joy, joy, joy, takes some believin' in good"--words I was singing when celebrating the birth of a new baby born April 7th oh about 21 years ago..and so wanted another child, got my wish shortly thereafter, with Kaelan born on Jan who knows how these miracle beings called babies and children come into our lives. Some say it's planned 'miles as in decades in advance'. Sometimes I think we should have a stop and stare in awe that we each and all got here at all.
Maybe like staring at the sun though, we really couldn't handle that for overall, appreciating everyone's spirit and for however they are showing up (or staying in bed) in the world today, and at this new-beginnings time of year for not only US-All but our whole plan-it and all that's on it.
I'm rooting for us, and I think those above are too with lots of loving spiritual help too. No one's alone and we're all connected is likely the a theme we'll hear in more songs on the radio (or iTunes) and our hearts!