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Hearts of Humanity Lit With Wisdom, Courage and Love For Healing and Helping

on Tue, 12/21/2021 - 03:52
To the Editor:
In this time of lighting candles, strategies and combined efforts to pull through tough times and ongoing concerns,, I offer this reflection to encourage us all to see the healing power of helping, community and energy that sustains and inspires. Each person, issue and life journey is worthy of shared consideration.
 It takes a village to remember who and what happened with all views factored in as authentically as possible with time to delve deeper for evidence to understand 'what really happened' or what is causing problems below the surface or even as officially

Sharing Kaelan Palmer Paton's Legacy To Draw On His Courage, Skill and Great Love

on Tue, 12/21/2021 - 03:50

Song for Kaelan Paton (1-6-1993 to 6-16-2009)-- by Catherine Palmer Paton, his mom on 6-16-2011

Here's to our Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton

Who acted without hesitation

To do all he could to save each friend

Even if that might mean his end.

After school their group headed to the river

Trusting all to the life giver

To keep them safe as they jumped and swam

Celebrating summer and ways to win.

Yet whitewater trapped three boys

Kaelan hand-signalled "9-1-1" amidst loud noise.

Kaelan saved John and Richie by reaching out a hand

Skillfully and bravely while barely on land.

But to save

Great News, You CAN See the Nutcracker online! (I thought that was too much to wish for, but happy it's an option!)

on Wed, 12/15/2021 - 16:23

I was happy to get this reminder in my email from the Nutmeg Ballet of Torrington CT which I have enjoyed knowing about (and training for a summer with the Torrington School of Ballet teachers in a summer workshop back when I was in college...and pulled off doing a triple pirouette, not on pointe mind you, but on my own ball of my foot... a moment that plays out magically in time for me like a chime amidst sparkles..most folks in dance, arts, sports and pursuing a dream know That Feeling... even if not in sweaty studio with dozens of awesome dancers...and Yes, I got to massage Victoria's feet

Sharing Info From Ken D Foster, author of The Courage to Change Everything (which I need to work through) and Voices Of Courage Show Host!

on Thu, 12/09/2021 - 18:55

Podcast Episode #190 of “The Voices of Courage Show” is now out:


Click here to listen


#190 The Courage to always sleep well with Jan Bonhoeffer is HERE!


Dr. Jan Bonhoeffer (SAY Yon Bon-hoffer) is global expert on infectious diseases and vaccine safety and a thought leader on efforts to transform how medical professionals care for their patients — and themselves.


Here’s what you will discover in the Brand New Episode-

  1. How compassionate listening can help you.
  2. How you can control your negative emotions.
  3. How healthcare workers can take better care of themselves.

And so much more…


Check it out

Devorah Spilman full of inspiring ideas, talks and programs...maybe just right for you!

on Thu, 12/09/2021 - 01:11

 Great news and resource to share here!   is a link to learn more about Devorah Spilman's amazing process to use one's intuition and imagination in story process and more!

I just had a wonderful hour talking things over with her about my hope and plans for the next part of my life. She offers a great supportive program that I will consider taking at some point.

Until then I will keep up with her engaging emails, videos and offerings.
